VIP Class Notes (Vicki)


Recommend a movie

Writing exercise

I read a book which was written wrote by a Taiwan female writer. In this book, the writer and her husband lived in a desert city.They ran away私奔to Africa without considering of the opposition of her parents (不顾家人的反对和男友私奔去非洲). They got to know new friends there, bought a small house, even got married there. The woman did some things that I feel are ridiculous. She drove the car on the street but she didn’t get the driver’s license; In order to find a kind of food, they drove a whole day to the place where are no one people lived (无人区) and her husband nearly died because of the sand hole流沙. Her husband expressed enough patience for her so that she was very sad after he died.


drowned – died in water
i.e. He drowned while swimming.

multitask (v.) – to do several things at the same time
i.e. I can multitask very well.

pale (adj.)- light skin
i.e. She had pale skin.

tan (adj.)- dark skin
i.e. She has tan skin.

romcom – romantic comedy

spoiler – 剧透
i.e. I hate movie spoiler.


consider vs. think of
consider – 考虑
i.e. I will consider your suggestion.

think of – 想到
i.e. I just thought of your suggestion.

publish vs. issue

publish – 出版
i.e. She just published her book.

issue – announce 公布
i.e. The president just issued an announcement.

effect vs. influence (n.)
effect – 作用
i.e. The side effects of this medicine is headache.

influence – 影响
i.e. My mother had a big influence of my personality.

affect vs. influence (v.)
affect – 浅影响
i.e. This music affected me.

influence – 深影响
i.e. This music influenced me.

presidency vs. president
The president did a terrible job during his presidency.