VIP Class Notes (Vicki)


Write about a place you would like to visit


It’s the most hilarious thing that happened today


accurate (adj.) – zhun que – completely correct

atmosphere – qi fen

atmospheric (adj.) – 有气氛的

monolith – a type of mountain

ultimate – the best, the only one needed

companion (n.) – someone or something that is always by your side (ban lv)
i.e. I want to be your companion for the rest of our lives.

armchair travel – sitting at home and looking at picture and imagining that we are traveling

armchair expert – someone only talks but no action
i.e. She is such an armchair expert, she keeps telling people what to do but she refuses to get up and do it herself.

refuel (v.) – motivate, boost

wanderlust (n.) – the wish to be in nature

picture-perfect (adj.) – someone or something looks good from every angle
i.e. Jennifer Aniston is picture-perfect.
i.e. The view outside is picture-perfect.

brilliant (adj.) – great

brilliance (n.) – greatness

knock-out (adj.) – great and so wonderful
i.e. Let’s go look at the knock-out view over there.

knock-out (n.) – someone who has excellent appearance or someone who is brilliant
i.e. She’s a knock-out.

up sb’s game – improved
i.e. I have been upping my game for the competition.

relevant (adj.) – related

heritage (n.) – yi chan / xue tong
i.e. I have Asian heritage.

eternal – forever
i.e. I want to declare my eternal love for you.

Speaking exercise

A: Are people’s personalities in line with their appearance? How accurate do you think this is? What other ways can you predict someone’s character from their body language?

Some people are easy-going that you can look see from their appearance

it will make give you some nervous to talk to them

there also have some exception -> there are also some exceptions

it’s not depend on their first impressions sometimes -> it doesn’t depend on …..

Don’t judge a book by its cover -> Don’t judge someone based on their appearance

maybe it is the truth for me to trust this idea -> maybe the idea is somewhat accurate for me based on my own experience

if someone is keeping a strong eye contact with you


A travel guidebook company has released its list of the best places on Earth to visit. It is the Lonely Planet’s “Ultimate Travel List”. It ranks 500 of the must-see places to add to your bucket list. It is only the second time this list of unmissable travel experiences has been issued. The guidebook company said its guide is, “designed to be a companion to your armchair travels or the tool to refuel your wanderlust“. It added that the book, “features more than 200 new destinations in a picture-perfect wish-list, each ranked in order of brilliance.” Lonely Planet said: “The list contains a mix of knock-out new openings, sights that have upped their game, or places more relevant to the way we travel now.”

Top of the list and the number-one travel destination is the ancient city of Petra in Jordan. The guide said: “The treasured UNESCO Heritage Site of Petra is the must-see ultimate experience on our list. Once nearly lost to the outside world, the sandstone city is now one of the most loved places on the planet.” It recommended readers, “rediscover the city’s eternal air of mystery in the early morning or in the hours before closing when it’s at its most atmospheric“. The Galapagos Islands off the coast of Ecuador was second on the list, with the spectacular sandstone monolith Uluru in Australia being third. Lonely Planet says the book has something for everyone in every corner of the world.