VIP Class Notes (Vicki)

Today we focused on:

Finish Ch.7 and reviewed the vocab from this chapter


refrigerator – 冰箱

elevator – 电梯

satellite dish – 卫星信号器

mailbox – 信箱

cockroach – 蟑螂

closet – 衣橱

department store – 商场

even – 甚至

theatre – 剧院

movie theatre – 电影院

owner – 主人

center – 中心

center of the town – 市中心

convenient – 方便的

however – 但是

clinic – 诊所

Speaking exercise

Edward’s apartment building is in the center of town. Edward is very happy there because the building is in a convenient place. Across from the building, there’s a library, a bus station, a department store. Next to the building, there’s a bakery and a clinic. Around the corner from the building, there is a gas station. There’s a lot of noise near Edward’s apartment building. There are a lot of cars on the street, and there are a lot of people on the sidewalks all day and all night. However, Edward isn’t very upset about the noise in his neighborhood. His building is in the center of town. It’s a very busy place but it’s a convenient place to live.


workbook page 40,41; review the vocab from CH7 and from this note