VIP Class Notes (Tony) [W]


Write about a contract that has some big problems:

1. Are the problems technically illegal?

2. Are they too vague

3. Do the terms conflict with each other

4. What is the problem with changing terminology in a contract? EX: Party A….   =  Seller…  (Confusing or Legal Issues)


If you do not complete your one-year contract, you must find a suitable replacement or be fined 5,000 yuan.

The obligation is on the employer.  (It’s on them)

It’s only applicable if the school made an investment into the teacher.

Suitable is completely subjective based on the employer.

when we receive/get such that kind of contract

pick apart – to find all the flaws or problems

eg: They just copied and pasted some contract templates so now we have to pick apart this new draft they made.

Writing exercise

The high house price might be the biggest societal problem in China. For most of Chinese people, having an apartment or house not only means that you don’t have to rent one and worry about that maybe next year you have to move out, but also means that you have a real “home” in the city. Sometimes, an apartment is also a precondition for marriage.

But it seems more and more difficult for young Chinese people to make this “dream” come true because of the high house price. For example, in 2017 the average house cost of Jingan District of Shanghai hits 100,000 yuan per square meter. The districts, such as Minhang or Jiading Districts, which are far away from the city center, have also reached about 50,000 yuan per square meter in 2017. However, the average wage in Shanghai is only 7,000 yuan. Therefore, more and more young people could not afford an apartment without the help of their parents. Accordingly, many parents have to spend their whole life’s saving for buying an apartment for their children. Or they have to become “house slaves” with heavy loan from their early-30s to late-60s.

Many young people now is struggling with the fact that it is so difficult for them to purchase any real estate in a big city so at last they have to leave the city, which they have been working and living for many years.

The high real estate prices might be the biggest societal problem in China. For most Chinese people, having an apartment or house not only means that you don’t have to rent one, but also that you have a real “home” in the city and you don’t have to worry about needing to move out. Sometimes, an apartment is also a precondition for marriage.

But it seems more and more difficult for young Chinese people to make this “dream” come true. For example, in 2017 the average house cost of Jingan District housing in Shanghai hit 100,000 yuan per square meter. Districts such as Minhang or Jiading, which are far away from the city center, have also reached about 50,000 yuan per square meter in 2017. However, the average wage in Shanghai is only 7,000 yuan per month. Therefore, more and more young people could not afford an apartment without the help of their parents. Accordingly, many parents have to spend their whole life’s savings to buy an apartment for their children. Or they have to become “house slaves” with a burdening loan from their early-30s to late-60s.

Many young people now are struggling with the fact that it is so difficult for them to purchase any real estate in a big city. So at last they have to leave the city, which they have been working and living in for many years.


unstablility – instability