VIP Class Notes (Tony) [W]


I don’t know what ______ means.

If I don’t know, I will just ask

complicated – can be difficult because of many details or parts

eg: English is very complicated, especially grammar.

once, twice – one time, two times

eg: I come to SE once again.

once – at that moment

eg: Once we get there we will call you.


eg: In English if you use a rising tone it makes the word into a question.

eg: Chinese has 4 tones for meaning.


I will go to work when I finish class. = I will go to work once I finish class.

I have a little lazyI am a little lazy

Present Tense

It tells you how to change the VERB.

1. ING,   (doing something now)

(V. + ing)

eg: I am (now) thinking about what I will get for lunch.

2. V.  (Usually or always DO something)

eg: I (usually) go to work by subway.

eg: I usually take the subway to work.

eg: I take the L to work. (In New York)

eg: I take line 7 to work.

eg: I take bus 830 home.

Here, There, Home  –    Usually No Preposition ( to, at, in, on)

I am going there

I will go home

We came here before


I was talkin-to-my-friend the other day an(d) she asked me if I wanna go-to Disneyland with her. I said, wellll, I dunno. I think-I-can go, bUUt Iii have a-lotta work-to-do this evening. Lemme-ask-my boss If I can turn-it-in tomorrow-afternoon. Yess, she said it’s ok.

Talkin’ – Taak en

to – t’


Lotta – La de

Writing exercise

I went to home by subway line 7 because there is no bus to my home.When i get home,I took a shower and then played my telephone on the bed,about 10:30 PM,i went to sleep.Maybe I should spend some time to listen some English video ,but I have a little lazy.

I took line 7 home because there is no bus to my home. When I got home, I took a shower and then played on my phone on the bed until about 10:30 PM, then I went to sleep. Maybe I should spend some time to listen some English video, but I am a little lazy.