VIP Class Notes (Tony) [S]


In (time) – in the future

eg: They will attack the Earth in 400 years.

Over (time) – happens in that time

eg: Over the next few weeks, you should read more.

eg: The story happens over a long period of time.

Did you grow up in Shanghai?

Yes, I grew up in Shanghai.

Are you a grown up?

No, I’m not a grown up yet.


It doesn’t matter to me

slang – some words with a different meaning, Li Yu

eg: In California there are a lot of slang words. Like Chill, Hella,

chill (v)(adj) – to relax, be relaxed, easy going.

eg: I’m tired, I just want to chill today.

eg: He is a really chill teacher.

bail – to leave a place

eg: I have some homework to do, I’m gonna bail.

bum – 1. a homeless person   2. to borrow, have

eg: I don’t wanna be a bum.

eg: Can I bum a few bucks? I forgot my wallet at home.
How much do you need?
maybe just two bucks.

buck – a dollar

eg: I need five bucks for lunch.


ice cream bar – soft, with hard chocolate, and ice cream inside, usually

eg: I don’t like ice cream bars with chocolate.

Popsicle – like an ice cream bar, but harder, and uses ice with fruit flavor.

eg: Yeah, I like popsicles. Who doesn’t?

creamsicle – a popsicle, with ice cream inside

eg: I’ll take a creamsicle if you have one.

taco – a mexican food, that has a hard shell and meat inside

eg: Do you wanna get some tacos? I’m starving.

to call (someone ) out – to say someone is wrong, to point out their mistake

eg: It’s a little rude to call someone out in Chinese culture.

eg: Sometimes people don’t mind if you call them out.
It depends how you call them out.

eg: Someone called out the speakers mistake.

take place – happen

eg: Where does the story take place? Where does it happen?

character – a person in the story

eg: My favorite avengers character is spider man.

List of Slang:

Speaking exercise

Tell me about your favorite character from the show.

1. Who are they, where are they from? what do they do? do they have powers or abilities?

2. Why do you like this character?

My fav character of this book is Zhang Bei Hai, He didn’t have some special ability. He control  a spaceship. He killed three scientists, because three scientists can make human die. The aliens will attack earth in 400 years. But the humans just have some rocket, so they can not leave earth. So humans want to make the spaceships in two ways. One way is nuclear, another way is make the spaceship with the sun’s light. Zhang Bei Hai thinks nuclear is better, so he kills the three most important scientists who study the sunlight spaceship. I like him because he’s a hero. When the alien attack the earth, he defended the earth.

My favorite character in this book is Zhang Bei Hai, He doesn’t have any special abilities. He flies a spaceship. He killed three scientists, because they could make humans die. The aliens will attack Earth in 400 years. But the humans just have some rockets, so they can not leave Earth. So humans want to make the spaceships in two ways. One way is nuclear, another way is to make spaceships with solar power. Zhang Bei Hai thinks nuclear is better, so he kills the three most important scientists who study the solar power spaceship. I like him because he’s a hero. When the aliens attacked Earth, he defended the humans.