VIP Class Notes (Tony) [R]


Write a story using the words from class:

Get  to (a place)

I’ve gotta / I Gotta = have got to (Do something)

Next Class Focus

Let me get this straight

I could go for…

Nice Try…

eg: Nice try, but you can’t trick me so easily.


How do you spell that?

What does ____ mean?

eg: What does “phrase” mean?

Phrase means, part of a sentence, a few words used together.

I (did this), not knowing (about that)

eg: I went to work yesterday, not knowing it was a holiday.

Photogenic – look good in photos

eg: It’s funny that some models are really photogenic, but not very good looking in person.

eg: San Francisco is a really photogenic city. Every street and building is beautiful.

bottom line – the end result, after everything is finished

eg: Bottom line, because of the mistake, we have more work to do.


have something

eg: I have a new car.

get something

eg: I want to get a new car.

have to do something – must do something

have got to do something – must do something

eg: You gotta try this cheese, it is amazing.

get to  (A place) – Arrive

eg: When did you get here?

eg: I got to the office at 8am.

eg: I gotta the bank.

have got to / gotta (Do something) – Must do something

eg: I’ve gotta leave soon or I will be late. – (I must leave)

eg: I gotta get some coffee before class.

eg: I gotta go.

eg: I gotta get to work before 9am. – I must arrive at work before 9am.


- Hey.
Eggnog's ready.
- Oh.
I put some brandy in, not knowing Kendra had already added some rum.
Bottom line, it's gonna be a very merry Christmas.
I could go for a little nog after setting up those lights.
Jack, you're too young.
It's only for us adults.
Ah! Nice try, Sara.
Come on, there's kid eggnog in the fridge.
Let me get this straight.
You really didn't get me a gift? You're kidding, right? No.
We said we weren't exchanging.
Yeah, but I thought we were doing the thing where we say we're not getting gifts, but we do anyway.
Then you thought wrong.
Well, still, I got you one.
- I don't want it.
- It's a gift.
You got to take it.
- Says who? - Says the rules.
Look, I-I got you one.
Now I want mine.
Well, then take the one you were gonna give me and give it to yourself.
No! I don't want golf balls! By the way, I got you golf balls.


button – Buh (t)enn

bottom – Bahh Dumm