VIP Class Notes (Tony)


indoor basketball

to give somebody an out – to give them a chance to quit or give up or back out of a plan.

eg: My dad gave me an out to tennis practice, because it was raining.

connotation – attached meaning to the word, based on how people use it

eg: The connotation for the word savant, is that someone is inexplicably or mysteriously good at something.

savant – an extremely smart or gifted person, in a hard to understand way.

eg: He was a gifted math savant, but lacked social skills.

prodigy – someone who is very talented at something at a very young age

eg: Beethoven was a musical prodigy.

stuff V. – to push something inside another thing

eg: He stuffs his face at lunch, and eats really fast.

artsy – having qualities of art or artists

eg: That’s a very artsy school.

euthanasia – ending someone’s life who has a terminal illness (will die eventually/soon)

eg: The blue whale game is an avant garde form of euthanasia. (dark humor joke) (they are mentally ill)

suspension of disbelief – the idea that you know a movie is not real, but you temporarily believe it’s real to go along with the story.

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