VIP Class Notes (Tony)


he almost won (the game)

he almost beat him (alphago)

the number of facebook users

I never knew that till today.

he plays piano really well

two wrongs don’t make a right

those kind of things

when something big happened


human flesh search engine – finding people’s real info from the internet when they have done something socially unacceptable

plot hole – logical problem with the story

eg: The movie had too many plot holes.

tangent – a side topic or conversation

eg: When writing essays try not to go on a tangent for too long.

skyrocketed – to go up very fast

eg: The number of users skyrocketed.

catch up – to talk about old things

eg: We just caught up and realized we had been classmates in kindergarden.

avant garde – a french phrase that means something is ahead of it’s time.

eg: Their methods are a blend of avant-garde and traditional.


he plays piano really well

he plays piano good   (Acceptable, but incorrect grammar)