VIP Class Notes (Tony)


free day – you have free time all day

eg: I am free on the weekends.

eg: I am free on Saturdays.

free – you dont need to pay, no money

eg: I bought one, and I got one for free.

eg: Buy one get one free.

eg: I want an XBOX, right now they are buy one get one free.

from (Time) to (Time) – from start to finish

eg: I have class from 9am to 5pm.

eg: On Tuesday I have class from 11am to 7pm.

eg: I have class from Monday to Saturday.

get V. – the action before you have something/take.   So… I want an apple. I will get an apple. I have an apple. I got an apple.

eg: I got one cup, then I got another cup. Now I have two cups.

eg: Where did you get that sweater?     I don’t know, my mom got it for me.

eg : When did you get that sweater?      I don’t remember. I guess I got it 3 or 4 years ago.

eg: I get good grades, I am a good student.

Get Something For Someone

eg: My mom got this sweater for me.

eg:My father got this t-shirt for me.   What did you get for him? I didn’t get him anything. Haha, I got good grades in school.

stuffed – chi bao le, completely full.

eg: I ate a big breakfast, so I’m stuffed.

eg: My bag is stuffed with books.

When did you have class with Celeste?

I had Celeste‘s class on Monday.

What did you talk about?

We talked about Saturday and Sunday.  + We talked about what I do. = We talked about Saturday and Sunday what I do.

We talked about what I do on Saturday and Sunday.

So now you don’t like it(youtiao)?

Yeah, I don’t like it now.

Do you like soy milk or regular milk more?

I like soy milk more.     (more than regular milk).

I don’t like almond milk.


milk – Melk,   Mih Ilk    EEEEE                             I had some soy milk.

meal (Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner) – MEE-EL.       I ate a big meal.

stuffed – Stuhh  f’d

stupid – Stoo Pid