VIP Class Notes (Tony / Jesse)


How do you make tea?

First I you boil the water, next I you put the tea in the water. Then wait.

How do you warm up your hands?

instrument – a thing you can play to make music

eg: Is that your instrument?   Yes, it’s my instrument.

eg: What instrument is that?   It’s a guitar.

kind of – yi zhong, na yi zhong

eg: What kind of guitar is that?

bass guitar – has a deep low sound, has 4 strings

eg: Bass guitars have 4 strings.

guitar – normal guitar

eg: Guitars have 6 strings.

eg: My guitar has 6 strings.

high sound

eg: Usually girls have a high voice.

low sound

eg: Usually boys have a low voice.

How – zenme zuo

eg: How do you…?


Have + Been + (Doing):

Have been playing….          FROM the past,   until   NOW.

I have been playing guitar for 2 years.

I have been playing guitar for about 2 years.

About – cha bu duo / zuo you
eg. I have about 100RMB … i have around 100RMB (maybe 110RMB, maybe 90RMB)

need to do = 100%
should do = 80%
can do = 50%
can’t do = 0%
eg. I need to go to school