VIP Class Notes (Tony)

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Review Vocabulary from Diary of a wimpy kid reading.

Diary Of A Wimpy Kid: Page 1


Spicy – food with a hot taste, La de

eg: I really like spicy food.

Journal – a book to write down your thoughts

eg: I lost my journal. I’m sad because I had it for 5 years.

Diary – a book to write down your thoughts, but usually for girls

eg: When I was a child I had a diary.

Specific – very clear and exact

eg: I want to be specific, we will start class at 7:03 and 33 seconds.

eg: I like food.

Can you be specific?

Specifically, I like noodles from Xi’an. Not the noodles from Lanzhou.

see – use your eyes to notice something

eg: Can you see the stars in Beijing?

If the weather is good, you can see the stars in Beijing.

look at – to turn your eyes to see something, usually a short time

eg: Can I look at it before I buy it?

watch – to look at something for some time

eg: I would like to see the style of singing a song. / I want to watch a singing show.

TV show – anything on TV, but not a movie or sport.

eg: She wants to watch a show, but I want to watch a movie.

let me get something straight – let me tell you something, very clearly, so you really understand.

eg: Can we get something straight? I will never eat Chou Doufu.


Emma went to Korea.

She learned how to make Korean BBQ.

A famous chef taught her.

Emma’s Mom loves Korean BBQ.

Emma went to Korea last year to learn how to make Korean BBQ with a famous chef because her mom loves Korean BBQ.

Emma went to Korea last year to see a star with her friends because she thinks he is handsome.


BBQ – B.B.Q.

BBQ – Bar Buh Q

Barbecue – Bar Buh Q

chef – Shef

Chair – CH ‘air