VIP Class Notes (Tony)

Homeslice – Pizza place in Shanghai, fairly real.


Write a short review about DESTINY (the movie you just watched) and try and talk about specific reasons you liked or did not like it. Also include a short summary of it for your reader.


it can contain hold 80 people

Panda Express is the McDonald’s of Chinese food.

authentic – real, and made from the original people

eg: It’s hard to find authentic Chinese food in America.

hand sanitizer – some stuff to make your hands clean enough to be safe, no dangerous bacteria.

eg: You shouldn’t overdo it with hand sanitizer.

scale – 1. a thing used to measure, 2. the size or level of something especially in comparison to something else

eg: We should check the scale to see how heavy it is.

eg: On a global scale China is now near the top.

sliding scale – the number changes at same time as another thing

eg: Patients at the clinic pay on a sliding scale based on their income.

eg: There’s no sliding scale for healthcare in America.

intervalsa period of time between events

eg: We usually have one month intervals between projects. At that time we can focus on other things.

in their favor – it is good for them

eg: The sliding scale is not really in the insurance companies favor.

per capita – government words used to measure numbers compared to how many people in the country

eg: The average income per capita in China is about 3ooo yuan a month.

shell – hard protective outside part

eg: Turtles have green shells.

eg: Shell companies act as a way to protect bigger companies when they are doing some bad things.

raw – uncooked meat and fish

eg: You can eat raw beef, but it’s not always safe.


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eg: Something exploded in my kitchen last night.


eg: They had explosive growth.


eg: The explosion totally destroyed the building.