VIP Class Notes (Tony)


We should be open during the festival

better than actually winning

I don’t know the a synonym of for Air conditioner.

If there’s a synonym for A/C, it is probably not common.

I can’t complain.

theft N.

eg: Maybe it is to prevent theft

thief N.

eg: The gates are here to prevent thieves from getting in.

steal V.

eg: the thief steals something from people

cursea cause of trouble or bad luck

eg: That’s my curse, I always have to know why.

eg: His fame(Being famous) turned out to be a curse, not a blessing.

eg: Fame and fortune were not important to him.

lottery – a contest where you buy a ticket to win money, if your ticket or your numbers are chosen

eg: The curse of the lottery winners.

windfall – a sudden huge benefit, usually financial

eg: Bitcoin traders had a large windfall this year when the price went from $2000 per coin to $4000 per coin.

Crypto-currency – Locked Digital Money

eg: Many countries are paying attention to the development of crypto-currencies. Since it seems they can’t stop them, so they might as well join them.

eg: Many speculators benefit from “insider trading” because it is still not currently regulated.

insider trading – when a person who works for that company gives some secret info to investment traders, so they can have knowledge that no other traders can have.

eg: Insider trading is highly illegal, but crypto-currencies can’t be regulated since they don’t belong to any country.


Numbers as ADJ.