VIP Class Notes (Tony)



it was raining cats and dogs

I definitely didn’t get used to that tent sleeping way. – I definitely didn’t get used to sleeping in a tent.

running water – working

eg: That village is really old and does not have running water. They just still use well water.

treated water – water that has been cleaned

eg: Phoenix has treated water, but you really shouldn’t drink it.

eg: All tap water had been treated.

purified water – removes all bad things from water

eg: Purified water is cleaner than treated water.

I learned the hard way – you found out by a bad experience

eg: I learned the hard way that there are summer and winter tents.

sunscreen / sunblock – cream or spray to protect your skin from the sun

eg: You really need wear at least spf 75 sunblock.

UV protection clothing

eg: It’s better to wear some UV protection clothing.

a third wheel – when there is a couple, and then one other person.

eg: I was the third wheel on their trip. But it was ok.

RV – recreational vehicle

eg: There was an old couple in a big RV.

Canopy – a large thing blocking out the sun.

eg: I asked the couple if I could sleep under their RV canopy.

eg: In the jungle it is dark, because the trees make a canopy on top.