VIP Class Notes (Tony)


smoke bomb

point of diminishing returns – when an investment starts giving you less and less returns

spawn – to appear in a video game

kevlar – a bulletproof material

eg: He was wearing a kevlar vest, but it didn’t matter because he got shot in the arm.

skid – to lose traction and slide

eg: The car skid out of control

trajectory  – the path of a moving object

eg: The trajectory of the bullet indicates that the shooter was on the 3rd floor.

recoil – of a gun : to move back suddenly when fired

eg: The recoil knocked him back a few feet.

overkill – using much more than is needed or warranted

eg: Four graphics cards is totally overkill.

draw fire – to direct the enemy fire at a certain object

eg: Surprisingly the lightest vehicle was used to draw fire, because it can evade most fire.