VIP Class Notes (Tony)


Try to explain the license plate system in SH.

Use the most accurate vocabulary you can.


He’s my supervisor – Advisor

mind mental issue

To tell the measly difference – To tell the subtle difference

When you put on cologne, it should be subtle. But they gave me just one measly drop. That’s not subtle, that’s non-existent.

The management is too bureaucratic.

On Ramp/ Off Ramp – The road that helps you get on the elevated highway

eg: The on-ramp at XiZhimen is just nonsense. You WILL definitely get lost.

Grease the wheels – to make things go smoother, easier. Especially laws

eg: Does the company grease the wheels for the application process?

a catch – an often hidden part of a deal or situation

eg: That sounds good, but is there a catch? I mean we don’t just get a free house, do we? It sounds too good to be true.

eg: The catch is you have to maintain it.

respiratory system – breathing system

eg: Tuberculosis is a disease of the respiratory system.

dismantle – take apart, usually slowly removing pieces, in a  professional way

eg: We need to identify the problems she has with studying and dismantle it. (Use dismantle, instead of Eradicate)


I’m a city people.  –  I’m a city person.

I’m city people (Grammatically wrong. But, acceptable)

He’s good people. (Colloquial, Old-fashioned)

W- Double U, Dubba Ya,  Dubya  (George W. Bush)


Tuberculosis  – T’ Berr Kyoo Low-sis

Entrepreneur  – On Truh – Pruh Newer

Entrepreneurial – On Truh – Pruh Newer Ree Yull

Spanish Pronunciation

J = H

Jefe – Heh Fay  (Boss)

LL = Y

Pollo – Poy Yo (Chicken)

El Pollo Loco (The Crazy Chicken)

La Jolla – La Hoya