VIP Class Notes (Tony)


I can’t find the correct word to express myself.

have some concerns

get some concerns

sometimes I feel bad that I can’t remember the words I studied on the app.

How long does it take to get there?

2 and a half hours.

It takes about 2 and a half hours to get there.

How many people went with you?

We had 2 friends go with us.

I usually banned her to get in the kitchen??? – I try to keep her out of the kitchen. She’s not the best cook.

phrase – duan yu, a few words often used together.

eg: Always remember phrases, not just single words.

not careful

eg: I was doing some exercise, and I was not careful. So I hurt my back.

skilled/ be good at

eg: I’m not skilled at math. (Not Common way to say.)

eg: I’m not good at math. (Common way to say.) = My math skills are not good.

stir – mix, use something to move all the stuff around,

eg: Can you stir that soup? It is cooking in the kitchen.

order –  1.   2. tell someone they must do something

eg: To make Xi Hong Shi Chao Ji Dan, First. you need to stir in the egg with tomatoes.  No.No, you need to break the egg, before you stir it in.

eg: Give an order. (Someone must do something)

too – excessive, more than you want or need.

eg: Tha’s too much sugar in the coffee.


The Order of the words is very important.

and the small words are important.     to, for, at, by


I’m not good at math.   (Correct.)

Can I say: “I’m not good at doing math.”   ?   Yes, That’s Correct.

I’m not good to math.   (Good to math???)

I’m not math good at. (Incorrect)

Wo de yingyu bi ni hao

Direct translation: I of English than you good

My English is better than yours.

Direct translation to Chinese:

Wo de Yingyu shi genghao bi ni de.

I have a little angry

I am a little angry

we had take two cars – we took two cars

we had taken two cars. (And then?)  (This grammar, makes it sound like something happened after it)

I have am a little nervous.


banned – B’  Aand

pilot – Pie Lutt

polite – Puhh Lite