VIP Class Notes (Tony)





ize…(to make)

eg: Have you ever tried synchronized swimming?

sync – when device is connected to computer and they update info together so it’s the same

eg: My phone is syncing, I shouldn’t turn it off now.

viewed – has looked at

eg: Over 700K people have viewed this APP, and more than 20K have downloaded it.

eg: I just viewed it and tried the two free classes.

the metric system – measuring units in Meters

eg: Americans do not use the metric system.


Grammar doesn’t need to be perfect

(OK) I took a class these days – (Better) I’m taking a class recently / (Best) I’ve been taking a class recently.

Watching TV:   M= Mother     F= Father    D= Daughter

M: Good morning sunshine, how was your night in the yard?

D: perfect I like sleeping outside

F: haley lost her keys again, she’s been going through this irresponsible phase

M: yeah for 25 years, I’m not gonna let her get to 26

F: hehe just top be clear Claire’s not going to kill her

D: let me in please

M: no, she’ just hjgdsfjhsdgf as a baby, let her cry it out, she’ll settle down

F: what if I just throw a blanket out there, somethin’ that smells like us.

D: You can’t leave me out here it’s 2 in the morning, I have to change for a party!

F: Good night honey.