VIP Class Notes (Tony)


So, you will pay them to make “X” number of spoons. Will their pay increase if they take longer to produce them? Or will they simply have to work longer for the same pay.

Example: You agreed on 20 minutes per spoon.

But, they ended up taking 30 minutes per spoon. Which delayed production completion by 2 weeks.

Danielle’s: We pay them monthly salary, even if they produce less.

suffering struggling through challenges

This is bad! – This is maybe not the best one.

exaggerate – to say something is much more than it really is

eg: I ate about 200 hamburgers today. I’m so full.

eg: I ate a ton (a lot of) of hamburgers today.

eg: I think he’s exaggerating a little.

eg: I think it’s an exaggeration.

variable – in math, “X”.  in business, factors you can not completely control

eg: All those variables affect lead time, so we need to identify and solve problems asap.

eg: The weather is a constant variable.

eg: There are many variables that we have to consider.

indirect – not direct

eg: He can be pretty indirect sometimes.

FTP – File transfer Protocol

eg: Maybe you could try to set up and FTP server. So you can drag and drop files to the APP, and it uploads them to a secure website.

planned obsolescence – plan to make something obsolete (no longer working or effective)

eg: France is suing apple for planned obsolescence.

eg: My iphone 3 is obsolete, even though it still works.

mosque – muslim temple/church

eg: They sent her to the mosque.


she was left in India

she couldn’t even when she was 6.

she to assist

she needs to assist me

she assists me


exaggerate – Eggs Ah Jerr Rate /.  Eggzah Jer-rate