VIP Class Notes (Tony)


surreal dreams

positive reinforcement – give a dog a treat if it is good

negative reinforcement – punish the dog if it bad

absolute power, corrupts absolutely

Schroedinger’s Cat – does the cat exist in the box if you can’t see it? It only exists if you see it?

Nature(genetics) Vs. Nurture(raising) – Many psychologists argue that either Nature or Nurture is responsible for a person’s actions, but it must be a differing mix of the two traits for each individual.

to take into account – to consider these things, before you make some decisions.

reserved – not very expressive, do not show emotions or expressions

eg: British people are pretty reserved, but not so traditional.

allegedly – supposedly have committed a crime, but no proof or charges have been filed.

eg: He allegedly stole the car, until we get a DNA test we can not be sure or press charges.

“The problem is not that there is evil in the world. The problem is that there is good. Because otherwise, who would care?”   Varga, (Fargo, 2017).

Highly flawed statement, which ignores the spectrum of opposites.