VIP Class Notes (Tony)


he manipulates manages the accounts

I told asked him, how did you learn Chinese?

if he doubles (V.) it

if he triples  (V.) it

What is his cut?   His cut is 20%, unless he doubles it.

cover losses – to pay for the loss

eg: They will cover any losses greater than 20%.


lose (V.) – LooZ (one O, before the E, means that the O, is stronger)

loss (n.) – Lahhs (No E, means the O, stays soft)

losses (N.) – Lahhsess (Because the S is double, it ignores the pronunciation rule of the E)

pose – PohhZ

Tiger – Tai Gerr

Tigers – Tai GerrZ

Trigger – the double G, ignores the E rule)  (soft i,   eg:   if   )

Tigger – Tihh   Gerr       the double G, ignores the E rule)  (soft i,   eg:   if   )

Kite – Kai T’

Kitten – Kihh tenn (baby cat)



Can   Kun,   Ken,

I can help you

Can’t  –   kAAn                                            (    t )

I can’t help you.

Finding the Sound in your language

Ca       ts

Cai Dan

Sai Daan


Cats eye

Cats eye dawn

CA     Ts eye dawn

Cai Dan

Training your mouth to make a new Sound


This sound   (Ooooeeewwww)   does not exist in English.

So I had to practice it a lot, just to make a little sound.