VIP Class Notes (Tibo) [S]

Today we focused on:

discussion about self identity and culture

Speaking exercise

neither me -> me neither
If I don’t have meals and go to gym I feel terrible.
I just want things to be simple not messy.
My ex she is trying hard about her makeup and clothing for me it is just that I can live without these things.

It is like zen status. What you are looking, the things finally disillusion you so how about to look at them in a calm way in the beginning.

for boys we treat they harder and tough , we want them to do something to earn the reward or try hard to make money for the things they want/
but girls we want them to be happy and they have choice about material, it depends on different treatment.

self identity is made of different parts and it is changed every time, what is your self identity.
It is hard question because you are changed every time.
The people I connect with last time may be not you this time.

it depends on the things he meets and the people and the books and films.
everything he meet up will change him, his point of view.

I think people change without boundaries . there is too much probabilities for people to meet so you cannot make sure people changes in a same circle.

The common belief is a story or point people believe and that makes them be together to be a group and do something to live then the government is built up and the government pushes the main culture to all the people so that is why we have main culture and sub cultures.
But for people maybe they believe in the main culture but they live in sub culture ways or other situations it is complex for people. They have same living ways but their thoughts and beliefs may be different so I think every people are different than others even their way to the end.

it is sure that we can manipulate people, there are some evil religion to bring people together and believe the evil god or do suicide missions

there are evil religions just as Japanese there is a religion that makes people release gas in subway to kill people.
So that is why we must have a belief to do the right thing.
You have to think it carefully and one by one and try to see if it fits the logic.

For me the right thing is fit the legal / right things are legal. The right things fit the legal and make you have a positive emotion.
if he hurts people we have the responsibility to call the police, it is justice it is not about friendship.
The first thing is you must do the things in justice. you can see these things in a friendship view, you must stay in a high way to look at these things.

 me neither / neither do I
If I don’t have meals/skip meals and go to gym I feel terrible.
I just want things to be simple not messy.
My ex was trying hard about her makeup and clothing / cared a lot about her appearance and her make up and clothes but for me it is just that I can live without these things / for me it is not the most important.

It is like zen state ,the things you are looking for will finally bring disillusion to you.
so how about to look at them in a calm way from the beginning. / why don’t you keep calm from the beginning

for boys we treat they harder and tough / we don’t treat them nicely because we want them to do something to earn the reward or try hard to make money for the things they want/ we want to teach them that they need to fight to get what they want
but girls we want them to be happy and they have choice about material things, it depends on different treatments/ upbringing

self identity is made of different parts and it changes over time, what is your self identity.
It is hard question because you change over time.
The people I connect with last time may be not the people I meet this time.

it depends on the things he meets and the people and the books and films.
everything he meets up will change him, his point of view / all the things you experience will change /affect your identity

I think people change without boundaries . there is too many probabilities for people to meet so you cannot make sure people changes in a same circle.

The common belief is a story or point people believe in and that brings them closer as a group/ and that strengthens their bond as a group  and  then the government is built up and the government pushes/promotes the main culture to all the people so that is why we have main culture and sub cultures.
But for people maybe they believe in the main culture but they live in sub culture ways or other situations it is complex for people. They have same living ways / similar ways of living but their thoughts and beliefs may be different so I think everyone is different from others even their way of thinking.

it is sure that we can manipulate people, there are some evil religions/cult that bring people together and make believe in an evil god or do suicide missions

there are evil religions just as in Japan there is a religion that makes people release gas in the subway to kill people.
So that is why we must have a strong belief to do the right thing. / we must have a strong idea of what is right/ moral compass
You have to think about it carefully and one by one and try to see if it fits the logic. / if it makes sense

For me the right thing fits within the (boundaries of the ) law  / right things are legal. The right things fit the legal framework and make you have a positive emotion.
if he hurts people we have the responsibility to call the police, it is justice it is not about friendship.
The first thing is you must be just / follow justice.  You can see these things from a friendship perspective / point of view but you must distance yourself/keep a distance to look at these things.


cult (n) small religious group
he was part of a dangerous cult

to manipulate (v) control
The public opinion was manipulated by the tv channels

status (n) : position
He has a high status as the CEO of the company
I updated my love status on Facebook to married

state (n) situation
Water has 3 states : solid (ice) / liquid (water) / vapor (steam)
I am in a good state of mind

I don’t want coffee nor tea = I don’t want either of them

upbringing (n) how one grows up / treatment received as a kid
He had a tough upbringing and is now never afraid to fight

probability (n) chance of something happening
The probability of Covid disappearing totally in 2021 is quite low

probable (adj) : which could happen / likely to happen
An alien attack is not really probable.

go bag (n) bag you keep ready for the apocalypse or end of world event
He decided to build a go bag after the virus epidemic

celebrities (n) famous people
Most celebrities have tattoos

