VIP Class Notes (Tibo) [S]

Today we focused on:

Presenting a sales kit

Next Class Focus

Continue to work on sales kit presentation + review how to introduce numbers + %.

Speaking exercise

I can airplay you

The background is we should ask our clients what is the new advertising product next year in Meitu, that is why we prepared a new sales kit for this client’s requirements

the visual of our company is we want to make the world become more beautiful

this slide told you how many products in our company

all of this products are for users. Our company has a huge use database almost 300 million users. As a marketing group we should apart as a obvious marketing purpose.
As a marketing group we have a responsibility to tell our clients which platform helps them to finish the marketing purpose.

We apart the 4 parts
The first one is about the tools, all of our apps are tools we named them as tool experiences.
Then when we launch the social area we can provide the social experience for users. it can tell every users how you can become more beautiful and the users will share their experience in our social area.
The third part is about hard products experience which include a skin test product and a AR make up product

The last part is commerce, we want to exercise a e commerce platform for users. In all of them becomes a big e-system of experiences. That is why we call the Meitu marketing is experience marketing. This is the core message which is I want to announce the marketing industry.

every month our users create 6 billion pictures and videos but douyin users only create 10,000,000
So Meitu is the biggest deep experience platform.
the key point of this slide is tell you more than Half pictures on the social internet is used meitu to retouch or edit the picture.

The profit of our platform has 2 big group users.
one is female , our platform has more than 200million female users.
The other generation Z, more than 40%  are from gen Z.

I can airdrop it to you  / send it to you through / with / via airdrop.

The background of this ppt is that we needed to tell our clients what are the new advertising products in Meitu which will be available next year, that we prepared a new sales kit for this purpose.

the vision of our company is that we want to make the world become more beautiful / the vision of our company is to make the world more beautiful.

this slide tells/shows you how many products our company has

all of these products are for users. Our company has a huge user database of almost 300 million users.

As a marketing group we should apart as a obvious marketing purpose.
As a marketing group we have a responsibility to tell our clients which platform helps them to achieve their marketing goal.
We separated it into the 4 parts / we broke it down into 4 parts.

The first one is about the tools, all of our apps are tools we named them as tool experiences.

Then when we click on/access/open the social area we can provide a social experience for users. it can tell/teach every users how you can become more beautiful and the users will share their experience in our social area.
The third part is about hard/real products experience which includes a skin test product and a AR make up product. / you can test real life products

The last part is e-commerce, we want to provide an e-commerce platform to users.  All of them combined make a a big e-system of experiences. That is why we call Meitu’s marketing experience marketing. This is the core message which I want to announce to the marketing industry.

Every month our users create 6 billion pictures and videos but douyin’s users only create about 10,000,000
So Meitu is the biggest deep experience platform in China.
the key point of this slide is to tell you more than half of the pictures on the social internet have used/went through meitu for retouches or edits the picture.

The profit of our platform has 2 big group users. / is generated by 2 main groups / 2 main demographies.
one is female , our platform has more than 200million female users.
The other is generation Z, more than 40%  are from gen Z.

you can think about it as a sales kit for our team


previous : the one before
In my previous job, I worked at a creative agency.

demographic a particular sector of a populations
We attract a younger demographic , a lot of our users are from Gen Z.

purpose 目的 / reason for which something is done (much bigger than a goal)
Our purpose is to make the world more beautiful.

goal : desired result (much more specific)
Our first goal is to make more people use our app

to retouch
I retouch my pictures in Meitu.

cosmetic surgery/beauty surgery 美容
I had beauty surgery to make my nose longer.

pimples/spots 痘痘
There are many pimples on my face, I can’t go out.

to separate : to split into parts 分开
We separated our goal into 4 steps.
My ex and I separated (broke up).
My parents and I live separately.

to access : 进入
I can’t access the data in my phone without the password.


access(A Xe Ssss)