VIP Class Notes (Tibo)


What are the differences between the various available live streaming platforms and why does your brand work with Tik Tok?

Speaking exercise

how do you sell on Tik Tok?
I just sell the products through live streaming.
They can buy through the link.

the promotion is good for them. They will spend money for the cosmetics and get more things./ a lot of samples. / we offer more things for the same amount they would spend at the store.

And our live streamer will introduce the products in a lively way / he/she will be very lively when introducing the products. / live streamers make it entertaining

We have a team of 5 live streamers. Our team is in HZ, they have a team of over 20 people in HZ.

We meet about once a month. Especially during the promotion days.

We connect with each other on wechat / we discuss on wechat.
After I don’t pay attention to my phone for a little while I come back and realize there are so many messages.

I need to check the messages all the time it is a little make me feel suffer. -> I need to check the messages all the time, it is really tough / difficult / it makes me suffer / I suffer from having to pay attention to my phone all the time. / I can never really disconnect.

If I don’t reply to the messages I feel something isn’t done / the job is not done.

for some other jobs it is not necessary.
I just use one phone and my work messages are always on top.

I have moved to the job for just one year and for the past 6 years it is the most hard ->
moved to this job one year ago, I felt the first 6 months were even harder but now I am used to it.

I have the sense to make my job and life balance -> I am trying to focus on work life balance / I am trying to improve my work life balance.

I spend more time on exercising and doing sport / I give myself more time leaving the phone away from me. / I dedicate more time to exercising
I push myself not to pay attention to the phone.

The first thing was that I had a different atmosphere in the new company. I needed/had to get used to the work partners. My boss is very strict with all the tasks.

It has many teams and 5 /6 people one team -> teams are usually made of 5 to 6 people

There were only 3 people in our team.

Live streaming is a normal thing now but for the future I can’t image how it will be / how it will change. / Live streaming is very common now in China but I don’t know how it will change in the future

We haven’t decided who would go yet.
It needs more higher title people -> they may need to send some people from high management there.  / they may need to send more senior people

From what I know we don’t have a foreign team in other countries.
There is Tik Tok in America so I think it is probable we may create / start a team in the future in other countries  / Tik Tok is available in America so we may create a team there in the future.

People enjoy the experience of buying things with other people.

The product is the most important for the live streaming. The second most important element / factor is the live streamer. / when considering the success of a live stream the product comes first and the live streamer second.

he needs to know how to allocate his time through many products.

the scenarios we need to think about are really numerous  / there are so many scenarios we need to think about.

We have a dashboard to see what is happening and according to the data I need to give messages to my live streamer to adapt based on the data  / I monitor the data and ask the live streamer to adapt based on what I see

He can also see the data but maybe he isn’t so focused on it. / maybe he doesn’t pay too much attention to it

I won’t get married with the brand so sales are my priority.
 the influence of the brand is not seen by the data but the sales are recorded everyday.
The age of our consumers is higher than other brands. / our consumers are slightly older than other brands’

There are a lot of men who buy our products during the holiday. / we notice a lot men buy our products as gifts.

I do the livestreaming on Tik Tok

They are spending less this year. We didn’t get good results during this promotion day / we were not happy with the sales. Sales don’t compete with the previous years, sales were a bit depressed.

we are losing shares of the market.

This year we have a buy one get one promotion / we include free products and not just samples.


buy one get one (n) buy one product and get one (for free)
They are running a buy one get one promotion on ice creams

numerous (adj) many / large in numbers
I have numerous friends on my wechat

to dedicate / allocate (v) choose how you spend resources
We allocated 10% of the budget to this promotion

to reply (v) send an answer
I need to reply to the messages

in pain (adj)
I felt in pain so I took a day off

to suffer (v)
Many people suffer from having to check messages all the time

cosmetic product (n)
We sell many different cosmetic products

samples (n) product to try
We usually give small samples to our buyers


first / last + number / time
The first 5 months were really difficult
The last 1o people to reply will get a gift

when you talk about things in general, you use the present tense
I like cats.
We work with many live streamers to prepare big activities.



Valentine’s day

Chinese new year / lunar new year
The lunar new year happened in February this year
