VIP Class Notes (Tibo)

Speaking exercise

Sometimes when I should do some presentation or make some decks and use English I use ChatGPT to do some translate.

Emails is always very useful to use ChatGPT.
Our dailywork is not very similar with brainstorm so sometimes I think brainstorm is more reliable with ChatGPT it can give me some ideas about how to do some campaigns.

Today is women day and we will do campaigns to promote products.

It has limited by the tech now. I used an AI drawer created by Microsoft.
it will give you a picture or a small video.
It has some limited because it is directed by the specific style of drawing.
Maybe I want a special style but it cannot give me what I want.

It is based on the training dataset so it cannot replace our human brain.

Some help work like our IT has a help desk. When people have problems they will come here to ask to resolve their problems. It can be replaced by AI because it will more convenient.

not need to came here and describe the problem face to face.

Sometimes when I do some presentations or make some decks and use English I use ChatGPT to do some translations  / to translate some information.

ChatGPT is always very useful for emails.

We do not need to brainstorm often / our daily work does not involve much brainstorming

I think when I brainstorm ChatGPT can give me some ideas about how to do some campaigns.

Today is woman’s day and we will do campaigns to promote products.

It is limited by the tech now / it has limitations due to the current technology. I used an AI drawer / text-to-image generative AI model created by Microsoft.
it will give you a picture or a small video. / it will render a picture or a small video.

It is limited because it is directed by the specific style of drawing. / it is only able to use it’s dataset.
Maybe I want a special style but it cannot give me what I want. / it isn’t able to render what I want.

It is based on the training dataset so it cannot replace our human brain.

it almost depends on what we think and what we can reach.
The limitation is the level we have already reached. The AI cannot breach it /surpass because it depends on the programming humans did.

Some help work like our IT has a help desk. -> AI will easily replace support work, for example IT has a help desk

When people have problems they come here to ask the IT person to resolve their problems. It can be replaced by AI because it will more convenient.

We don’t need to came here and describe the problem face to face. / we can solve it remotely

It is not art because art is a picture or something we use our pencil to describe our feelings. / art is based on the feelings of the artist. AI drawing is a program, it is created by just data. It doesn’t have a mind of its own or the information it wants to present.

do you have ever heard -> have you ever heard about the metaverse ?

It is more similar to online games. We choose the clothes, hair color and the face to shape a character. Maybe I didn’t get the key about it so I have some confusions. / we customize our character.

I played many racing games on my PS5

It was born / created abroad.

China has done some research about it.

we can use AI in different divisions.
In China we didn’t pay more attention on art and we pay more attention on developing our life quality. We may use AI in the industry or areas to make our life better. / make life more convenient.

that is why I try to limit my use of Douyin , when I use douyin I lose the ability to concentrate. I can’t pay attention to reading long passages.
A video just has 30secs. When you get used to it, it will make me less attentive  / it will reduce my ability to focus.

You need to spend at least 30 mins for 1 game and if you lose you feel I want to win next time. / a game takes at least 30 mins  and if you lose you play another one to end on a win.

I have a strong drive to win / I am very competitive.

the youngest people don’t play it at all, they play other kind of games/ young gen zers don’t play it much

we just need a few people to control a lot of robots and make some decisions, it is enough. The dirty work is made by robots.

We need to improve our skill to control robots.

We already have lessons about programing in junior high school.
My sister has a baby who is 4yo. , she has a young 4yo son.
He already learned programming. They don’t learn it in a professional way but by playing some games. / they are exposed to programming through some games

they can build a mind about program. / they can develop a mindset about programming
In high school they will learn programming in their computer classes / curriculum


to be exposed : to have in one’s environment
I was exposed to american culture when I was a kid because of american movies

curriculum (n) learning program
Programming is part of their curriculum


millennials (n) 1980-1995

gen z (n) 1997 – 2012

gen alpha (n) 2013 – now

racing games : games in which you race with cars
I played racing games

prompt (n) text sent to an AI
I changed my prompt to get a different result

sentient (adj) able to think by itself
In the future AI may become sentient

Text-to-image generative AI model (n) AI giving you image when you input a text

training dataset : data used for training
ChatGPT’s training dataset is limited to 2021.

to render (v) to produce a result after some processing
We used the CAD software to render a 3d prototype

limited (adj)
AI is still limited

limitation (n)
AI still has limitations


when you talk about something in general you tend to use the present tense and the plural
I like cats


to surpass (v) to get a better/higher result
Tom got the highest score in the game, it is impossible to surpass it.

to brainstorm (v)
We brainstormed during 3h

brainstorming (n)
We did some brainstorming during the meeting

training dataset : data used for training

