VIP Class Notes (Tibo)

Speaking exercise

I feel more comfortable when I use Opensea.

In this time Blur wins but in the future opensea wins.-> in the short time Blur / in the short run …
They are trying to get listed

Different types of projects

DEX meeting

How to decrease the slippage ?
what are your incentives to attract users ?
what’s the utility of the token?
will you burn the token by fixed periods ->  Do you plan to do some burns? Will you have regular token burns? Will you have token burns at fixed intervals ?

how about your safety? do you cooperated with some audit companies -> how do you ensure user safety? how do you ensure fund safety?
Did you do some audits?  / have you cooperated with audit companies.

I don’t like the Blur’s UI.
The color is black but opensea is white. / their UI is very dark while Opensea’s UI is very bright

if the token dumps they will leave and go to other market places. / once the token’s value decreases people will leave
They are successful this time. / they are only successful right now/ in the short run
Their token utility is only to airdrop, there is no useful/real utility for blur token.


Why did you choose this track?
How about your liquidation mechanism? margin ratio

Option synthetics

( Financial) derivatives (n) financial products built on an asset
Synthetic is a derivative protocol

what’s the liquidity and depth
What is your target user and what’s the incentive?

prediction platform.
What’s the advantage compared to traditional markets? / compared to similar products or offerings in the traditional market?
How do you ensure the fairness?
they join a hackathon and do a bad job/ perform poorly then they cannot get/win the prize.

How do you ensure the fairness of the oracle ?

How about the relationship between the revenue and the token? / Do you plan to give revenues to the token holders?


What’s the story/lore of your game?
Do you have a play to earn mechanism?
Will you integrate unique NFT elements?
Will you add a built in NFT trading market?
What’s your roadmap?
What’s the utility of the NFT?
What assets are currently supported?
How do you ensure cross chain security?
Many projects get exploited

aggregator Projects:
Time and cost requirements for going crosschain?
Which protocols have you aggregated


( Financial) derivatives (n) financial products built on an asset衍生工具
Synthetic is a derivative protocol

to get listed (v) to enter a stock exchange
Alibaba got listed on the HK stock exchange

to integrate (v) to add support
Opeansea recently integrated BNB chain

to exploit (v) to find a weakness and use it as a bad actor
A crosschain bridge was exploited and 200m were lost in the hack

exploit (n)
A white hat hacker fround an exploit and told the team about it

to aggregate (v) 合计
We gathered data from different sources and aggregated it in a report aggregates listings on opensea, blur,sudoswap,x2y2,looksrare,…

aggregator (n) project putting together data from different places
1inch is a dex aggregator

lore (n) 学问
The lore of the game is very interesting

prediction (n) guess if something goes up or down
pancake swap released a prediction product

scenario  (n) an imaginary situation for a prediction
We need to be ready for the future:
scenario A: Blur becomes the bigggest marketplace
scenario B: Opeansea remains the biggest

to perform (v)
Tom performed really poorly in the last quarter so we decided to let him go

to delegate (v) to give the rights to vote to someone else.
I delegated my voting rights to XYZ

interval (n) 间隔
We plan burns at regular intervals , there will be a burn each quarter.

collateral (n) 有担保的  what you give to back a loan
I put my punk as a collateral to get an ETH loan

over-collateralized loans : collateral is more than 100% of loan amount

under-collateralized loans : collateral is less than 10% of loan amount

margin call : when you get a notice because you margin is too low / to close to liquidation
I received a margin call from binance

to give/put X as collateral 
I put a bitcoin as collateral on a loan

mortgage (n/v) loan for a house/apartment as collateral
Tom has to pay his mortgage












ratio (ra shio)