VIP Class Notes (Tibo)

Speaking exercise

I left the office

I lost signal in the street then I went back

a lot of them they usually have business trips./ a lot of my colleagues are usually on business trips

I see none of them   / none of them are in the office now…

no one people have to lockdown when they back to shanghai. -> no one had to lock down after coming back
I want to work at home / work from home.

All the time he calls me. -> He calls me all the time
All the day, he is like a fly.

I want to leave the noisy (adj) or the something so I left my phone in the office and today.

-> I don’t like noisy environments so I left my phone in the office / I didn’t want to be disturbed during week ends so I left my phone in the office

Today he found that and he talked to me at noon like I know the young people don’t want to work at week end but you have to bring your phone with you.
I have 2 wechats, one for work only and work. That is my old phone.

Before a few weeks … I brought the work phone home and I found the weekend was always ringing and I don’t replied anything so I found I left it that is right but now he found it.

are you disturbed by noise?

Some noise like you when you renovate a house it is very noisy but kids making noise is ok. -> it depends on the noise, if it the noise made by kids I can tolerate it but if it is renovation noise it makes me crazy.

This week is a test of my personal trainer’s results. / it is a test for my personal trainer

I really really hate when something disturbs me when I sleep. / I hate to be disturbed when I sleep

This week end I have to do the body test using the machine because in September I put on 2kg of fat and I lost 1kg of muscles.
So I told him we will do the body test at the end of every month and this week is the last time. / this week is the end of the month.
This week he has pressure.

This week we will do the body test on Friday
yesterday we done boxing -> yesterday we did boxing
Maybe this week he wants me to exercise to get better results

In September I went to the gym but I put on fat.

In August the results was I lost 1kg of fat

maybe I sleep less -> maybe I slept less

Every night when I lay on bed, at that time I think now it is time for myself so I want to play on my phone or see some news time passes and I sleep less. It is not good.

/ I feel my me time starts when I lay on bed so I never want to sleep.

If the results are bad I have to change my food / diet.
My personal trainer in August he was fatter than now and past/ after 3 months he looks so good.
He put on some muscles so maybe he is right.

when he don’t have the class he does exercise. Everyday I think. -> when he doesn’t have a class he exercises

He is really like it -> he really likes it

We are totally different

I don’t believe some people really like to exercise. / I can’t believe some people really like to go to the gym

At first he was soldier , he left the army and started to work as a personal trainer.
He put on muscles very fast even though  he doesn’t drink protein powder   / even though he trains naturally 

I asked him about protein powder and he said you have to exercise more.
You can do it by yourself you don’t need protein powder.

I prefer in summer, it is easy to sweat
When I sweat I feel I am burning fat but in winter it is not easy so I have a little doubt is that enough.

Have you heard people say sweat can make your skin better.

It can bring bad things and lift your skin -> sweating can wash away bad things in your body.


me time (n) personal time / time only for yourself
I really need some me time. I need to relax and not be disturbed

instant coffee = coffee powder
I drink instant coffee in the morning

instant立刻的 /立即可食的
I have some instant noodles at home

protein (n) 蛋白质
meat is full of protein

powder (n) 粉末
I bought milk powder for the baby

sweat (n/v)
people sweat a lot at the gym
My gym clothes are full of sweat

enemy (n) the one you fight against
This company is our enemy because they sell the same products

He was in the army

to shave (v) remove hair
He shaved his head when entering the army

protein powder (n) things used to put on muscle quickly
He uses protein powder to put on muscles fast

insomnia (n) 失眠症
I read when I suffer from insomnia

vibration (n) 颤动/震动
The vibrations woke me up

to vibrate (v)
the phone vibrates to signify someone is calling

to tolerate (v) 忍受
I can tolerate noisy kids for one weekend but I couldn’t do it longer so that’s why I don’t want kids.

tolerance (n)
I have low tolerance for kids

to disturb (v) interrupt / annoy / stop during an action 打扰
I don’t like to be disturbed when I read

to sign (v) 签/在…上签名
I signed the contract 

signature (n)
I added my signature at the end of the document


to be like : look like / resemble
Tom is like his father, they have the same eyes

to like 
I like strawberry ice cream

on + day / date


bring / brought / brought


signal 信号📶

sign (n): all the visual indications like stop, …