VIP Class Notes (Tibo)

Speaking exercise

sometimes the sound is not working or the image is not working but the screen sharing is working

the network cannot handle it / the network is congested

The M1 macbook pro can download some apps which means you can install the IOS system apps on your laptop. It is so convenient.

I got 98 out of 100
When we learn it we need to download an app driving test guidebook.

So I am doing my work while I am turning on the app to learn.
You don’t need to turn on it through the phone.

->I can open the app while I am at work and my colleagues don’t think I am slacking while I study.

It seems like some passion to shop to do some enterntainment.

At the past, especially at night I went to the city center and some famous road and I can see a crowd of people standing outside the restaurants, bars.

Recently after my work I passed by the road and I can’t see anyone there.
So I think it is winter already.
You cannot imagine that the last week I got home isolated again for 7 days because I went to Ikea.
I had a class with JEsse and 1h before I got a phone call. One people said I ,ust stay at home and also call my roomate back home quickly to have the 7 days isolated together.

He said due to we did the big data search and it shows you went to Ikea at the mid autumn festival.

I said it is 5 days before, did I have close contact with a positive person?
Did I have direct or indirect contact?

He said no because you use the alipay to scan and pay at the ikea restaurant.
My friend didn’t have signal at ikea so I did a favor and helped her pay.

After the caling I experienced so many ridiculous activities like this.

Yesterday I finished the quarantine and they did a lot of things against each other. One people told me you need to finish the test and get the result then you can go out and another said to me you cannot go outside.

All the things in my mind is what I can do.

Yesterday morning I went out to get a test. My friend drive a car and we wear the mask and we drive to some test booth

in the afternoon, someone asked us for the report as we expected and sent it to her and she said why you could go outside for the test.
They gave me a long lesson and they said this time it is ok but next time you cannot do this again.

we stay at home so we use the home time to slack off.
Recently I am redecorating the apartment so I can do a lot of research.

Do you think people can change.

it is a high definition picture and I did it again

it is pixelated.

I quickly searched for my pictures and I saw I did the same things 11 years ago.

What kind of things I am interested is the same.

Sometimes the sound is not working or the image is not working but the screen sharing is working

the network cannot handle it / the network is congested

The M1 macbook pro can download some apps which means you can install the IOS system apps on your laptop. It is so convenient. / the M1 MBP supports iOS  apps

I got 98 out of 100

In China people used an app called driving test guidebook to study for their driving rules exam.

I can open the app while I am at work and my colleagues don’t think I am slacking while I actually study.

It seems people shop less than before / people aren’t ready to spend as much on entertainment as before.
People are tightening their belts 

In the past, especially at night I went to the city center and some famous roads and I could see a crowd of people standing outside the restaurants, bars.  / the streets were bustling with life.

Recently after my work I passed by / drove by the road and I couldn’t see anyone there.
So I think it is winter already.

You cannot imagine that the last week I got home isolated again for 7 days because I went to Ikea.
I had a class with Jesse and 1h before I got/received a phone call. One person said I had to stay at home and also call my roommate back home quickly to have the 7 days isolation together.

He said because we did a big data search and it showed you went to Ikea at the mid autumn festival.

I said it was 5 days ago, did I have close contact with a positive person?
Did I have direct or indirect contact?

He said no , it is only because you used alipay to scan and pay at the Ikea restaurant.
My friend didn’t have signal at ikea so I did her a favor and helped her pay.

After the call I experienced so many ridiculous things / hassles like this.

Yesterday I finished the quarantine and they did a lot of things against each other / what they said often came in conflict / I received very conflicting information  . One person told me you need to finish the test and get the result then you can go out and another said to me you cannot go outside.

Yesterday morning I went out to get a test. My friend drove a car and we wore the mask and we drove to a test booth

in the afternoon, someone asked us for the report as we expected and we sent it to her and she said why you did go outside for the test.  / she was surprised we went out to do a test.
They gave me a long lesson and they said this time it is ok but next time you cannot do this again.

we stayed at home so we used the home time to slack off.
Recently I am redecorating the apartment so I did a lot of research.

it is a high definition picture and I did it again

it is pixelated.

I quickly searched for my pictures and I saw I did the same things 11 years ago.

I took a similar picture 11 years ago

What kind of things I am interested in is the same. -> I am still interested in the same things. / my interests haven’t changed


noise (n) artifacts you get on a picture when there low light and you use high iso
My old iPhone 4 doesn’t take good pictures at night, it is full of noise

to do someone a favor
Tom did me a favor

to tighten one’s belt : try to save money / stop spending on unnecessary things
The economy is not doing so well we should probably tighten our belts to prepare for a possible crash.

high definition (HD)
I printed a HD picture to hang it on my wall.

bustle (v) move with energy and noise
The street is bustling with activity

hassle (n) inconvenient / bothersome
I don’t want to do it, it is such a hassle

pixelated (adj) with very visible pixels
Many games adopt a pixelated style

booth (n) a small temporary structure
I went to a covid testing booth

to slack (v) being lazy at work
Looks like everyone is slacking today, it guess it is Friday.

to turn on (v) press the on button on a device
I turned on the AC

Open/close (v) for app / programs
I want to open MS word but it doesn’t work

