VIP Class Notes (Tibo)

Speaking exercise

They block many functions and before my mic cannot be open and now it works -> They blocked  many functions before and my mic could not be turned on and now it works / my mic was disabled 

Sometimes I am imagine what the life like them. -> 

Sometimes I imagine what their life is life / I imagine what is it like to be them

They cannot reveal their own identity and live far away from home.

It might be a long time plan and they choose them as they are little kids and they don’t have their families and brainwash them.

I am thinking about the people deleting our videos. / people working in censorship 

You need to pass a lot of tests and you become a member of a state owned company and if you have a clean background you may be selected.

For these positions it is quite stable.  / those positions are very stable 

Some people like those kinds of jobs, stable and easy to manage.

My cousin used to look for a job like this he wants to be a factory worker in a money printing company. / at the money printer.

He has a challenging life these days / tough life. He cannot be down to earth and is eager for something far from real life. He is quite struggling.

They might be easier to get depressed. -> they might easily get depressed / they are prone to depression

As you realize the uncomfortable parts will become comfortable later you will have less pressure.

Sometimes they don’t have a choice or they are not aware they should wait for long enough to catch the right chance.

If you notice a job opportunity is there and change it is different from you don’t know what you want but believe you will find it. It takes more courage. /It takes more courage to notice an opportunity and change to match it than to catch a low hanging fruit

He is quite successful and I knew him 15 years ago / I have known him for 15 years 

When he was in the middle school he was good at all subjects.

I was always admire him that he has a clear plan. / I always admired that he had a clear plan  / I always admired his sense of direction.

He realized all of his goals 5 or 10 years earlier than he planned.
He just tries to do everything in front of him.

Just trying what you can do right now. He told me many business opportunities were introduced without planning. 


Low hanging fruit (n) an opportunity which doesn’t require much effort
Investing in VR seemed a low hanging fruit in 2017 

Prone to (adj) likely to suffer
I am prone to heart diseases because my dad also had a heart disease
Android phones are prone to overheating 

Forger (n) someone producing a fake
Tom is an art forger

Censorship (n)
There is a lot of censorship in North Korea 

Content moderator (n) people moderating content on social media
Tom works as a content moderator in Facebook 

Content moderation (n)
We need to change our content moderation policy

Tumult (n) large agitation / confusion
There is chaos on the streets, the city is in a state of tumult since the explosion 

To spook (v) to scare
The recent price drop spooked investors 

Spook (n) ghost 

To tap (v) make use of (resource)
we will have to tap our emergency money if we lose our job 

Snag (n) unexpected obstacle / drawback
Uber hit a snag in Singapore when the government made it illegal

To upend (v) turn upside down
The new tutoring rules from the government upended the education market in China

Trench (n) 沟渠 /战壕
Soldiers decided to stay in trenches to defend the position


