VIP Class Notes (Tibo)


Read the articles and let me know your thoughts:

Read the pdf about active / passive voice

People use the Active voice 90% of the time (especially oral English) 

Passive is mostly used to make something appear more serious or official
(e.g. Smoking is forbidden) or to avoid responsibility (e.g. a mistake was made)

Speaking exercise

I submit a cover report related to camping -> I submitted a report 

The frequency has accelerated. / people tend to camp more and more

Chinese people frequency was low before the pandemic but after we got data to show the acceleration of the camping industry in China. / Before the pandemic people didn’t camp much but it accelerated quickly since Civid 

People’s frequency to go camping amounts to 6-7 times per year. -> people go camping 6-7 times a year on average 

It is just based on the camping consumers, not the whole population in China. 

Some founders and enterprises told me the pandemic has advanced the camping industry in China by at least 5-10 years.

they choose camping to be a substitute for traveling. / they choose camping as a substitute to traveling

They camp within 300km of their residence.

In the rudimentary stage of the industry / at the very beginning of the industry, startups considered camping as a business model like airbnb.

Camping is seen as a real estate business.

For startups it is hard to do a real estate business due to the high cost.
They have calculated the cost of camping overnight.
In China the demand is not high enough.

Consumers they are not prefer to camp overnight, -> consumers prefer not to camp overnight 

 they just want to go have a picnic or have a leisure time to spend an afternoon.

Camping is combined with other recreations 

No one can expect camping can be so popular now -> no one expected camping to become so popular (today) 

It very surprised everyone. -> it really surprised everyone  / it is very surprising

Most of the consumers rent some equipments from camping sites or brands, they don’t cost too much-> camping gears don’t cost too much / are quite affordable…

but if you want to camp overnight the cost may have a big increase. / but if you want to camp overnight the cost will increase significantly

If you just want to go picnic you just cost 200 – 500 -> If you just want to go picnic it costs you RMB 200 – 500 –

 but If you want to camp overnight it costs 2,000 or higher.

The price can be a critical reason for people not to do that  / the cost can be prohibitive / the price is still the main barrier for consumers 

Some people have resigned to travel.
One of my friends she was a designer in some big giant but she resigned and these years she focuses on her KOL business. She thinks it is still a big market and she can share her life everyday. It is a good way for her to release pressure.

Some KOLs they make some videos to show their traveling life. I think another reason is to escape from their real life. The real life makes us feel tired and depressed so maybe they need a way to release their pressure or their bad feeling.

Last year I have gone camping around the sea in Sanya. -> Last year I went camping around the sea in Sanya.

It is not beautiful or happy -> it wasn’t great / it wasn’t comfortable 

 because there were lots of bugs and it was too hot.
I remember I woke up at 4am. The experience was not conformable. /  I didn’t have a comfortable experience

Actually most of my friends and colleagues go camping by experiencing group activities.

It is a recreation for connecting their friends or colleague -> it is a group activity / it is a team building activity


Prohibitive (adj)  restricting / preventing from doing
The cost of traveling to space is still very prohibitive, only billionaires can afford it.


Use by to talk about a difference
The price of the stock increased by 10%
Apple raised the price of the iPhone by USD100 

Things cost money (not people, you cannot buy people (legally speaking) )
A apartment in SH costs a lot of money
It costs him a lot to buy a ring for him wedding 

Use very + adj
This is very surprising

You can use really + v
This really surprised me 


