VIP Class Notes (Tibo)


read the document on email structure and write a simple email following this structure.
You need to ask John Smith to send you a report by Friday.

Speaking exercise

Yesterday I went to a restaurant with my parents for my mother’s birthday.
I choose the restaurant for many times. -> we took a long time to choose the restaurant
It is a Shanghainese restaurant.

I chose the restaurant and booked a table and she didn’t know  / I didn’t tell her / it was a surprise.

I bought a birthday cake for her.

Her birthday date is tomorrow and we celebrated it this weekend in advance. -> The date of her birthday is July 12  / her birthday is tomorrow

In general it is similar 

It is different to celebrate birthday for children and adults. -> We celebrate birthdays for children and adults differently 

For children we want to have a big party, so we invite many people, the classmates of the children. It is a big party

For adults we only have the family and our close circle.

I like the kind of celebration is simple.-> I like simple celebrations
Just have my family and my parents, that’s enough.

I haven’t attended any Spanish birthday party so I don’t know.

I think the way to celebrate birthday about the foreigners is like what we see in movies. -> I think that foreigners celebrate birthdays like what we see in movies

They invite many people and neighbors and colleagues to their house.

We don’t like to wash the dishes
Chinese food has a lot of plates and we don’t like to wash them. Maybe that is the reason we like to go to the restaurant.

The next birthday will be next year 


Adult (n) someone legally old enough
In most countries you are an adult after 18

Celebrate (v)
We celebrated her birthday yesterday

Celebration (n)
We had a small celebration in a restaurant 

To assist (v) help
I assisted my colleague to prepare documents for the meeting 

Assistant (n)
Sherry is the CEO’s assistant 

To attend (v) be at an event
I attended the meeting with the CEO

Surprise (n) something people don’t know about
We organized a birthday party as a surprise 

In advance: before the date
If you need to travel it is better to book the hotel in advance, if you book too late you won’t have much choice.
if you think your covid test will be positive you should buy some food in advance 

Positive (adj) you have it 呈阳性的
The covid test was positive and I had to go to the hospital 

Negative (adj) not positive
I was happy to see that the test was negative 

Structure (v/n)结构
The structure of the report is very simple


Someone does something / Subject V Object
I like simple celebrations

Say something
I can only speak her birthday is tomorrow -> I can simply say her birthday is tomorrow

speak with someone
I spoke with my boss 

Speak about something
Tom spoke about Covid 

use take to talk about time
It takes 4h to go from SH to Beijing by train
I will take 2 days to finish this work
It takes 4h to get the results of the Covid test
This job took 2 days to finish 

I went to Beijing many times this year (10 times this year) 

Time (no s/ not countable)  时间
It took a long time to choose a restaurant
I spend a lot of time traveling

Next (the one coming) / last (the one before)

next year I will go to Beijing
Last month I read a book
next month I will be good at English
last year I went to HZ