VIP Class Notes (Tibo)

Speaking exercise

I have been finished my class and my new classes start now.-> I finished my classes in May and my new classes start now 

I think many are suffering business hardships.

When I started a normal life I felt very feel free, I felt very passionate.

Then in the past two weeks I felt very unhappy about work and life, it is very hard to come back to normal life. / it is hard to go back to normal 

You feel your work and your life are not positive
I feel this is one reason

I feel good food makes people feel happy and they love life.

Every week test PCR every Sunday.-> Every sunday we have to do a PCR test and we have to do a PCR every 48 hours
We lockdown every Sunday to do a PCR test. It is annoying

In Shanghai many good restaurants are closed.
I feel they will stay closed  / they went bankrupt.

When the lockdown this moment my work was stopped. -> During the lockdown my work stopped

Recently we can get to back work

The business is very hard. There is not much business.

Before we could ship from Shanghai, now we deliver to Ningbo.
we can’t leave Sh so the price increased
Companies in Ningbo know we have no choice and they give us a higher price 

They want it to be a one time deal  / they don’t want to continue doing business with us.

I delivered to Shenzhen and they refused to pay 

I feel disappointed by those people.

When you had the experience you feel good things and bad things really happen.
We get a lot of information from news video. I feel the SH lockdown is really serious but I thought why does covid 19  change people’s mind. A lot of people did bad things 




Writing exercise

As of yesterday, I had been staying at home quarantine for 60days, I guess May I can go outside after 100days. At the beginning it was hardship so I did not know what to do. Now everything is siowly getting better, there are no new cases in our community, I bought pizzacake and yogurt this week, I will get fat since I joined the community group buying. I enjoy watching movies every day, I thought watch movies help to relieve the boredom of the long day.


As of yesterday, I had been staying at home for quarantine for 60days / I had been staying quarantined at home for 60 days, I guess in May I can go outside after 100days. At the beginning it was hard / difficult so I did not know what to do. Now everything is slowly getting better, there are no new cases in our community, I bought pizzacake and yogurt this week, I will get fat since I joined the community group buying. I enjoy watching movies every day, I thought watching movies help to relieve the boredom of the long day.

Shanghai has been start lift is Coronavirus lockown form 1June, Finally, I can got back to work.

In fact, things couldn’t get good in the short run, Restaurants can’t eat in store, So restaurant owner is really hard this moment, I worried about my favorite restaurants will open. I don’t think it’s easy for life to return to its former excitement in a short time, I miss Shanghai before March.


Shanghai lifted the lockdown from June 1  Finally, I can get back to work.

In fact, things couldn’t get better in the short run. People can’t eat in store / restaurants only offer takeaway  So restaurant owners have a hard time / restaurant owners have many hardships.
I am worried if my favorite restaurants will stay open / I worry my favorite restaurants may go bankrupt.  I don’t think it’s easy for life to return to its former excitement in a short time, I miss Shanghai before March.


To refuse (v) to say no 拒绝
I asked my boss for a day off but he refused because work is really busy right now
Recently I often refuse bad deals
My friend wanted to have dinner with me on Sunday but I refused because I didn’t want to eat on the street 

To go bankrupt (v) 使破产
The restaurant went bankrupt because of the lockdown 

Many companies have no business so they went bankrupt
If this continues many companies will go bankrupt very soon.

Bankrupt (adj) 破产的
The company is bankrupt 

Form (n) document 表格
I wrote the information on the form
I sent an delivery form to my client 

To disappoint (v) 使失望
People in Ningbo disappointed me 

Many things make me feel disappointed but I after sleeping I forget everything.


Could + verb (present)
When I was 10 I could run for 2h
Last year I could party all night, now I feel tired easily 

Can + verb (present)
I can swim

I can drink coffee

In + month
I will travel in August

I will move to Puxi in December 

Be + adj
Tom is tall
The iPhone is expensive