VIP Class Notes (Tibo)

Speaking exercise

The time period of quarantine has been shortened -> the quarantine time has been shortened 

A friend of mine came back from the US in March and he was forced to quarantine for 2 weeks and one more week at home.

My mom just come to my home last week -> she came to my home last week

Every fund want to exit the market / exit their positions , they want to keep liquidity.

The economy is not good as well.
based on the views of the experts there will be a recession in the US economy within 6 months. / experts predict a recession in the US within 6 months 

The FED wants to control inflation so the stock market will be sacrificed.
It is still hard to lower the inflation because there is too much dollars around the world

-> the money supply is still too high 

There is no sign the war will end in the future. / there is no sign the war will end anytime soon.
The price of oil and food is expected to still go up in the medium term

I think the demand will be cut so it is a forever damage for the economy. -> if demand goes down the economy will suffer long lasting damage

I just talked about this issue with a friend of mine who is a fund manager. He told me the price of the total US stock market is still not very cheap. It is at a middle position compared to historical levels.

The funds still don’t want to buy the stocks right now, they are waiting for better prices.
Maybe it is a good time to buy big titles ->maybe it is a good time to buy bluechips

They have gone into/have entered a bear market last year before the US competitor

The Chinese central bank controlled the interest rate.
They have done a nice job.

They controlled the rate at a fair lever so the inflation is not a serious problem in China rn.

The government tries to store many important materials through a lot of methods / the government has built reserves of important resources  , they bought a lot of food.

A lot of companies have been shut down especially the startups.
It is said nearly 20% of young people between 20-26 lost their jobs. / youth unemployment rate is very high

They will not be able to afford their house loan in the short run.The government’s goal for the GDP is at 5% increase compared to last year.

An oil factory exploded because of the lock down policy at some level.
The facilities should have been reviewed and repaired every month but during the lock down no one was allowed to do it.
The risk goes up and when the people go back to the factory, the manufacturing restarted and accidents happened.


Storage (n)
I have a storage space for my old furniture 

To store  (v)
The government started storing resources last year 

Barometer (n) 气压计/变化的标志
the US economy is a barometer for the world economy

Bluechips (n) reputable stocks
It is a good time to buy bluechips

Dilemma (n) difficult choice
the FED is facing a dilemma 

Diploma (n) degree
He will get a diploma from university