VIP Class Notes (Tibo)

Today we focused on:

Speaking exercise

They may don’t have any idea -> they may not have

To connect with a lot people 

It happens within your body 








Automotive (adj) : related to cars
He works in the automotive industry

automobile (n)  : car
The first automobile was produced in 1886

Serial entrepreneur : an entrepreneur that keeps starting new businesses

Serial killer


Series A

Tv series 电视剧
He watches tv series on netflix


Split (v) break or cut into parts
We decided to split the group into 2 smaller groups

Slit (v) make a long cut
The killer is approaching to slit her throat


Genderless (n) without a gender
It is a genderless word

MC / host
The MC will speak during the introduction 

Anchor (n) the metal part used by boats to stop
The ship dropped the anchor
The tv anchor will introduce the news 

Moderator (n) someone making sure the rules are followed
Tom is the moderator of the debate

content moderator (n) people who make sure the content follows the policy of the platform
He is a content moderator for Facebook

content moderation (n)
Content moderation is crucial for all the platforms

Mod : moderator
Tom is our discord mod 

Debate (n)
There is a moderator to ensure the debate goes well

Flawless (n) without any flaw / perfect
We want to make sure the drop is flawless

To cap (v) to limit
We capped the allocation at 50K per investor 

Cap (n) limit
what’s the transaction cap for this chain 

Readily available : very easy to get / get without delay / no need to order
People need masks but they are not readily available.
That spare part is not readily available we need to order it.

To keep up with : stay up to date / know all the new info about something
Keeping up with the Kardashian (tv show)
web3 is moving really fast it is impossible to keep up with everything