VIP Class Notes (Tibo)


HW : review about the conditional

HW : try to practice and read on support / resistance / trend line + Use trading view and make a basic analysis of support / resistance / trend on a stock

Speaking exercise

The situation is not that optimistic. -> I am not optimistic/ I am pessimistic about the situation / the situation looks gloomy.

Many places already opened their borders and took/considered covid as a normal virus however China wants to clean it out of China  / China has a zero covid policy

They were doing gym -> they were exercising / they were at the gym and someone tested positive and everyone had to stay there.

I won’t feel too bad if I am locked in the gym. (1st conditional) / I wouldn’t feel too bad if I were locked in the gym  (2nd conditional)

Why you wasted so much energies … -> energy

no hotel accept her and she has to come back ->no hotel accepted her she had to come back.

Some coworkers are holding diplomatic visas so they can travel more easily.

They released the third dose  / the booster shot
My doctor friend suggested I don’t need to do the injection -> suggested not to do the injection.


Close contact cases (n) people who were potentially exposed to someone who had Covid
Tom had to quarantine because he is a close contact case to someone who did covid…

herd immunity (n) when a majority of the population has immunity to a disease
The UK tried to reach herd immunity against Covid






Using suggest:

suggest that somebody do something
He suggested that we go (NOT suggested us to go) for a drink. (You can miss out ‘that’)
What do you suggest we do (NOT suggest us to do)?

suggest doing something
I suggest wearing (NOT suggest to wear) something warm.

suggest something
She suggested a walk before dinner.

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