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Speaking exercise

most of the Singapore people/ Singaporeans speak Chinese

these 2 clouds are used by company instead of individuals
we do B2b to clients that are in China to develop their business  / we focus on B2B clients in China willing to expend
They have to follow global standards so they are (already) using Azure or AWS overseas.
The technical guys / IT staff are also skilled trained for those clouds and they are not familiar with the local clouds.

They have the local data center to comply with the Chinese cyber security law
It is a high speed circuit between America and China
The first version was released in 2007

because the China firewall to block the traffic -> because of the Chinese firewall blocking the traffic / because the Chinese firewall blocks the traffic

and there were minor changes currently
It is sensitive to protect the data within China as it is important for the government.
the number of people and businesses rocketed
It is an important point that the business of the public cloud soared.

from 2016 users can use instagram stories
in 2016 it launched instagram stories

the most important contributor / segment was sponsorship

their mind is very different from us. / they think very differently from us
They are very temperamental. If they feel unhappy they will resign.

Gen Z is openminded, they have more creative/innovative ideas


market structure (n) how the market is built
When we look at the market structure in Asia we see that sponsorship accounts for 40%

creativity (n)
Creativity is important in our business

creative (adj)
Tom is creative

innovation (n)
We are a leader of innovation

innovative (adj)
we are an innovative company

generation Z (n) people born 2002 and 2012

Millenial(s) (n) people born 1982 and 2002.

generation X : born between the mid-1960s and the early-1980s

baby boomer (n) people born from 1946 and 1964
My grandpa is a baby boomer

e-sport/esport (n) : video game competition
Esport is popular in China

individual (n) people rather than company
this cloud is for individuals

comply with (v)
We need to comply with the rules

compliance (n)
Tom is the compliance manager

Singaporean (n) people from Singapore


because of + n
Because of Covid we suffered a lot

in + year / month



era (time period)
We entered the era of cloud computing

area (location)
You are not allowed to enter this area