VIP Class Notes (Tibo)

Speaking exercise

If the work you do is interesting it is ok. But if it is boring and makes you suffer then I don’t want to do it anymore

They are applying for the position now but maybe there are some political reasons for which they don’t do it positively / they are not trying very hard
I have waited for Sephora for more than 1 month so I started to interview other companies.

It is a hair brand, hair dryers. It is famous in the west but they just entered China last year so the team is very small but they just built it and there is no finance officer there.
EY is doing their work for them but they want their own controlling team and the GM just interviewed me.
I am struggling if I still wait for Sephora or not.

There are only a few companies which can afford such kind of trip, We went there for 4 days and ate very well and they have money and are willing to spend on their staff but the work is really tough / makes you suffer / bitter

From the day I went I lost my temper very frequently.
You are tired and need to handle difficult / troublesome things.
You need to face the system and it is really tough

They don’t have a lot of choice. When they begin they cannot change because people will think you are unstable.
I told him that , people want to work to improve your life you cannot let work destroy your life.

I have a kid so I need to keep healthy and you earn a lot of money and eventually you live in the hospital. / you destroy your health.

They say the package is fair and it is market value/the people are very complicated

I need to prevent damage to my reputation / I need to protect my reputation.
My parents don’t care about that. they think I work very hard / I am having a hard/tough time and they don’t support it. They think people will look down upon you.
My mum had time to educate me but now I don’t have any time.

I didn’t know how to cook before.
it is not healthy to always eat out

We had a rule to the leaders that you cannot send a wechat message but I think it is really a rule.
It is not applied in practice / it is not enforced

If you don’t move on you will be left behind so it pushes you to work harder or you cannot keep this level.

I need to get a big mortgage / I need to take on a loan.
It means I cannot lose my job. I have no plan B.

I feel tired and noisy.
He doesn’t like other kids and they say it is because I don’t bring him out.

maybe my parents don’t want to have lunch now
When my son was in primary school they can have some time to live there for 2 months a year and they can travel around.
it is a detailed model and articulated figure


naughty (adj) 顽皮的
He is a naughty kid

morale (n)士气
Working extra hours without pay really made the employees have a low morale

moral (adj) 道德的
I could get a medical certificate but I feel it is immoral

cubicle (n) 小隔间
employees have a cubicle where they work

burn out (n) exhaustion from work
I had a burn out because I was working 9-1-5

exodus (n) 大批离开
We notice an exodus as people are leaving small cities to find jobs in first tier cities

medical certificate (n) proof that you are sick or something
He provided a medical certificate to justify the sick leave

depression (n) 抑郁症
He is suffering from depression

insomnia (n) 失眠症
I suffer from insomnia

replacement (n) the one doing a job after you live
I will train my replacement before leaving

to bear with something (v)
I will bear with it for another few weeks

coincidence (n) 巧合
It was such a coincidence

