VIP Class Notes (Tibo)


Review the PDF on text messages + how to pronounce numbers
Think about potential text messages you would have to write

Today we focused on:

Worked on text messages

Writing exercise

  • Send Tom a reminder about his job interview at 10am on May 18 at Improbable SH. Tell him to look for you when he gets there.Hi Tom, here to kindly remind you that we planned an interview at 10am on May 18 at Improbable SH. Is it still ok for you? / Does it still work for you?
    Please find me when you get there – Chloe from Improbable SH
  • You noticed a critical issue with the CRM during the night, you tried to contact John but he didn’t pick up/answer, leave a message asking him to contact you ASAP.
    Hi John, sorry to disturb you so late but quite an emergency issue happened about the CRM. (Please)Contact me ASAP when you read this message – Chloe
  • Send a message to Alfred to confirm a meeting you planned last week. ( May 20 / 4pm / Improbable office SH / room A.)
    Hey Alfred, I just wanted to confirm the meeting we planned on May 20 / 4pm at improbable office SH room A, is that still ok for you? – Chloe
  • The marketing meeting originally planned on Aug 9 is postponed a week due to a delay in gathering some data, send a message to inform all the participants
    Hi, I just want to inform you that the Aug 9 is postponed a week due to a delay in gathering some data, (more information to come by email later) sorry for this inconvenience – Chloe.
  • You want to ask Jerry for help about a project you are working on. Send him a message and ask to schedule a 30min conference call.
    Hi Jerry, could you please do me a favor about a favor I am working on, can you find 30min conf call, let me know what is your available time – Chloe
  • Hi Jerry, could you please do me a favor, I’d love your opinion  about a project I am working on, can you find/ do you have 30min for a quick conf call, let me know what is your available time, Thanks!– Chloe
    Hi Jerry, I hit a roadblock on a project and thought you may be able to help. Any chance we could have a quick 30 min conf call? Please let me know , Thanks – Chloe

Writing exercise

Hey Jane,just wanted to / wanted to share an article about èŠ±è¥¿å­ ï¼Œ
who is quite a formidable competitor. They clearly find their way which can help them grow much stronger,
we need to find our positioning and pay attention to her

/ Hey Jane, found an interesting article about èŠ±è¥¿å­ ï¼Œa big competitor who is doing great right now because of their positioning.
I believe there are some take aways for us. / I believe we can learn from it.

We also have strong brand DNA [Joyful]
we need to land it sharply and relevantly in China. In the future,traffic may not be sustainable in such a crowed market

/ we need to land it well as I worry traffic may not be sustainable in the future.

We really need strong brand equity and superior products,that’s my belief~ I have a few ideas about it but not sure if it would work in color cosmetic, any chance we could discuss together? / I would love to pick your brain about it / would love to hear what you think, I know you are strong in this field..


belief (n)

to believe (v)

courteous (adj) polite
remember to be courteous when you meet the queen

courtesy (n) showing politeness through attitude

by courtesy : as a favor
I told you about it by courtesy because we used to work together


How to pronounce numbers:

start from the left and stop at the coma (,) then say the scale, then repeat the process until the end


x00: hundred

x,000 thousand

x,000,000 million

x,000,000,000 billion

x,000,000,000,000 trillion

13,250,980 : thirteen million two hundred fifty thousand  nine hundred eighty

Talking about discount
the logic is the opposite  of Chinese
8.5折=a discount of 15% / 15% off

buy one get one free : 买一é€ä¸€

Buy one the second 50% off


to pay attention to something
We need to pay attention to development cost