VIP Class Notes (Tibo)


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Speaking exercise

Maybe a little bit person for example my colleague, today she sent me some pics of some beautiful girls they are runner. And She said that’s cool and then nothing they lay down at home but they don’t want to run or go to the gym. Just share some beautiful things.

the key factor is their health situation. If you are bad or sick or the family or relatives have some big problems make them realize they need to make some changes.
When I see some matches like basketball or diving it makes us full of passion inside and very excited.

For the Tokyo olympics I don’t think it is the best one. On one hand based on the effect of the virus there is no audience at there.

There is no encourage, no noise. That made the opening is very boring.
On the other hand I think I become older it is hard to excited but the Beijing olympics I think this is amazing because a lot of people and they have the same action and a lot of lighting interaction.


Maybe a few people for example my colleague, today she sent me some pics of some beautiful girls who are runners. And She said that’s cool and then nothing they lay down at home but they don’t want to run or go to the gym. Just share some beautiful things. / some people share some pictures of the athletes but it doesn’t push them to exercise.

the key factor is their health situation. If you are feel bad or sick or the family or relatives have some big problems which make them realize they need to make some changes.
When I see some matches like basketball or diving it makes us full of passion inside / it awakens our passion and we get very excited.

For the Tokyo olympics I don’t think it is the best one. On the one’s hand based on the effects of the virus there is no audience there / there is no live audience

There is no encouragement , no noise. That made the opening very boring.
On the other hand I think I became older it is hard to  be excited but the Beijing olympics I think this was amazing because  there were a lot of people and they had the same action / they were all synchronized  and  the light show was great / and had some interesting light effects

it can protect you safe during your exercise progress. Especially the dynamic warm up it is better than static warm up.


to hydrate : cause to absorb water
Drink enough water, you need to stay hydrated in summer

hydrated (adj)
I stayed hydrated during the day

dehydrated (adj) not enough water in the system 脱水的
Make sure you do not remain dehydrated, it is very dangerous

waist (n) 腰
you need to protect your waist

rib (n) 肋骨
If your rib expend it looks like you have a big waist.

to activate  (v) 激活
You need to stimulate those muscles

power clean (n) 高翻
I did some power cleans at the gym

dumbbell (n) 哑铃
I use 5kg dumbbell

jumprope (n) 跳绳
I use a jumprope during my training

thigh (n) 大腿
Some girls feel they have big thighs

latex (n) 合成乳胶
latex is very shiny

resistance band (n) 弹力带
I bought a pink resistance band

hamstring (n)  腘绳肌腱
you don’t want to hurt your hamstring

to encourage (v)
I encourage my students

encouragement (n)
I received the encouragement of my teacher

to synchronize (v) 使同步 / cause to be identical
We need to synchronize our watches before the secret operation
I need 2 mins to synchronize my mailbox

synchronization (n)
Synchronization is a big part of the score

foam roller (n)泡沫轴
I love this foam roller

tendons (n) 肌腱
Playing tennis is bad for tendons

static (adj) not moving
We start with static stretches for the legs

dynamic (adj)  moving
We do some dynamic warm up exercises

to dive (v) 跳水
Some people like to dive in Thailand

to stretch (v) 拉伸
You need to stretch after finishing your exercises

HIIT : High Intensity Interval Training

pushup (n) 俯卧撑
The soldier had to do 100 pushups because he made a mistake



