VIP Class Notes (Tibo)


Do you think games will become more and more important in our lives ?

Speaking exercise

It compared games with the gambling

and it analyzed the mechanism of games that it will reward you something when you play in a game.
it will give you some incentives when you did something and sometimes you are not expecting a reward but it happens to you and you will be excited and motivated to play more.

it talks about the children are addicted to playing games and usually they will spend more time on it than they should.

my friends recommended to me and I play it every night for 1h.
it is connected with your friends.
It is innovative and it is bound with Chinese culture.

to some extent it is fair compared to games where you need to spend a lot of money and you can be stronger.

for me I am the kind of person who is on collection. so I want to collect all the characters so I will study how I can get that. Maybe I need to pay some money on it and I can play some mini games and have a reward.

they are a lot of girls are playing KPL. Tencent organized the KPL competition and girls like the boys who playing games very well in China. As the top game if you are good at the game maybe you will have some fans and the fans will consider you as an idol so they will react as the fans who like superstars. So they will idolize them.

nowadays they think if you play games very well you are a professional and that will bring you pride.

boys at better at the game than girls, girls play games mostly for fun and the boys will have more competitive sense on it

it is like advertising to people who play it or don’t play it. just like Coca Cola. Everybody knows it but still it will do advertising.
That is why it survived in the game market for so long.

sometimes you cant have enough people for offline mahjong so you can connect online with some stranger

that is a good way you can get extra money immediately.
if you want you can make every game a money game.

for some people they enjoy it. they enjoy the competition when they play games but some play games just for fun.

It compared games with gambling / it shows similarities between games and the gambling world…

and it analyzed the mechanisms games use to reward you (with something) when you play in a game. / when you spend your diamonds / premium currency

it will give you some incentives when you do something and sometimes you are not expecting a reward / you don’t know what you will get but it happens to you, you will be excited and motivated to play more. it will convince you to keep playing.

it talks about how the children are addicted to playing games and how they will spend more time on it than they should. / how it becomes an addiction that affects their life.

my friends recommended it to me and I play it every night for 1h.
it is connected with your friends. / it is a social experience
It is innovative and it is bound with Chinese culture. / full of Chinese references / it is heavily inspired by the Chinese culture

to some extent it is fair compared to games where you need to spend a lot of money and you can be stronger. / it is not a pay to win game

boys at better at the game than girls, girls play games mostly for fun and the boys will have more competitive sense on it / will be more attractive by the competition / play with more competitiveness

it is like advertising to people who play it or don’t play it . it is global advertising / non-targeted advertising just like Coca Cola. Everybody knows it but still it will do advertising. / they want to strengthen their brand image
That is why it thrived  in the game market for so long.

for some people they enjoy it. they enjoy the competition when they play games but some play games just for fun. / different players play for different reasons , some play for the competitiveness and some just for fun.

Speaking exercise

whale (n) big spender in a game / big investor or asset holder
Tom is a whale, he spent 10k in the game
Tom has billions in those stocks, he is a whale.

dolphin (n) medium spender in a game
He spent quite a bit of money in the game, he is a dolphin

to thrive (v) plant) grow or develop well or vigorously /繁荣
The game market is thriving

competitiveness (n)
Boys play with more competitiveness

pay to win (n) : games in which money buys you power
the game is not pay to win.

free to play (n) doesn’t require you to play if you want to play
Some games are free to play but pay to win

intermittent rewarding (n) : you only get a reward randomly
playing the machines in a casino is exciting because of intermittent rewarding

intermittent (adj) : irregular / occurring at irregular intervals; not continuous or steady: intermittent rain.
When John was set on leaving the company he didn’t even bother to come to the office everyday, he would only come interminittently

to idolize (v) admire greatly
They idolize the players


I spent little money  (money is uncountable)