VIP Class Notes (Tibo)

Speaking exercise

you create kind of risk to suffer this tragedy. -> you create a kind of risk to suffer this tragedy.  / you increase your risk factor / You are more likely to be exposed to the disease.

age benchmark -> age limit / threshold

they may get partially compensation -> partially compensated

I would think the whole procedure is just initiate too quickly. -> The whole process was too quick  / I would question if the vaccine is really safe considering how fast it went to market

Germans are very cautious / risk averse / Germans have a low tolerance to risk.

if you lie about the qualification which required for your job -> which are required for you job / which your job requires


coup (n) :attempt to change the government by force
The army planned a coup but it failed

curfew (n) regulation that requires people to stay indoor between certain hours
The government decided to impose curfew from outside of working hours

to swear in (v) : take office
She was sworn in on Monday

maternity leave (n): time off when you give birth
in China you can get 1 month for maternity leave




