VIP Class Notes (Tibo)

Today we focused on:

finished on present perfect


Review present perfect

Speaking exercise

I hadn’t find the HW pages

First goal, I want to travel for a long time

Second goal I need to read 10 books.
Actually I like read books but I don’t have time.
I bought many books in my home.
Last week end I bought a poetry book.
I really like a book then I just buy it first even if I don’t have time to read it.

I haven’t found the HW pages

For my first goal, I want to travel for a long time / I want to go on a long trip

For my Second goal I need to read 10 books.
Actually I like to read books but I don’t have time.

I bought many books I like and left them at home / there are many books that I like waiting for me at home.
Last week end I bought a poetry book.
If I really like a book then I just buy it first even if I don’t have time to read it.

I like to read poems because I can discover new words I didn’t know.
For example I discovered the word alike last week.


express (v) 表达
I try to understand what the poet wants to express

alike (adj) 相似的
Tom and John are alike. They both work hard.
Jenny and Catherine are sisters but they are not alike.

poetry (n) 诗歌
I like poetry

poet (n) : 诗人
There are many Chinese poets

poems (n)诗
There are 20 poems in the book

goal (n) 目标
This year my goal is to read 10 books

caviar (n) 鱼子酱
Caviar is expensive

to break down (v) 损坏
My car broke down yesterday and I had to call a taxi

chess (n) :国际象棋
I don’t know how to play chess

Chinese chess (n)象棋
Some people play Chinese chess in the park

Brussels (n)布鲁塞尔
Brussels is a big city in Belgium

Belgium (n) 比利时
I visited Belgium

apostrophe (n) :
There is an apostrophe between I and m (I’m )


I’ve had = I have had
I’ve = I have

I have just had a shower
I‘ve had a talk with Tom

have + past particle
eat (eat / ate / eaten)

(read (say reed) / read (say red) / read (say red))


angry (v) : not happy / in a bad mood

hungry (v) : want to eat