VIP Class Notes (Rico – Li)


Write about an event you did in school recently.


entire – all/whole/full

The entire room is filled with rubbish.

launch – send sth up/start sth

ex. Scientists launched a rocket to space.

ex. My class will launch an event to sell things to other students.

Mars – the ice planet next to earth

Jupiter – the largest planet

categories – groups

surface – any hard place that you can step on

ex. solid/hard surface

ex. The floor is a hard surface.

gas – oxygen

liquid – like water

solid – ice (anything hard)

multiple – quite a few

ex. There are multiple videos on YouTube.

no solid surface – no land

criteria – rules

ex. For this test, there are 8 criteria that we have to meet.

ex. Planets needs to meet 3 criteria.

dwarf – very short/mini

ex. Snow White and the 7 Dwarfs

ex. There are some people who look like dwarfs because they have an illness.


very few – very little

quite a few – many

put out fire

Speaking exercise

Elon Musk rise the space X rocket.

Elon Musk launched a space X rocket.

How many times has he tried to launch a rocket? 

He wants to go to the another planet.

He wants to go to another planet.

He wants to take people to Mars.

The ninth planet is so far away from Earth.

The ninth planet is very far away from Earth.

He thinks people can living on Mars.

He thinks people can live on Mars.

Water becomes ice

Water heats up and turns into gas 

Because they are far away from the sun

For a planet to be a planet, it needs to fulfil three essential criteria 

The planets should travel around the sun. 

The object needs to be spherical in shape. 

The area surrounding the planet should be clear. 

They found two other dwarf planets. They are smaller than Pluto.