VIP Class Notes (Raph)[W]
Abolish (v): 1- to end an activity or custom officially.
E.g.: I think bullfighting (斗牛) should be abolished.
E.g.: National Service was abolished in the UK in 1962.
24/7 (adv/adj): 1- 24 hours a day, seven days a week: all the time.
E.g.: We’re open for business 24/7.
E.g.: We offer 24/7 internet access.
Escalator (n): 1- a set of stairs moved up or down by electric power on which people can stand and be taken from one level of a building to another, especially in shops, railway stations, and airports.
E.g.: I’ll meet you by the up/down escalator on the second floor.
E.g.: Sorry but the escalator is out of use; you’ll have to take the stairs.
Disability (n): 1- an illness, injury, or condition that makes it difficult for someone to do the things that other people do. (adj: Disabled)
E.g.: He has a physical/learning disability
E.g.: She is deaf, but refuses to let her disability prevent her from doing what she wants to do.
E.g.: Trying to change attitudes to disability is an uphill struggle.
Immigrate (v): 1- to come to live in a different country. (n/adj: Immigrant)
E.g.: He immigrated with his parents in 1895 and grew up on Long Island.
E.g.: There’s a large immigrant population in New York.
E.g.: Illegal immigrants are sent back across the border if they are caught.
Emigrate (v): 1- to leave a country permanently and go to live in another one. (n/aj: Emigrant)
E.g.: Millions of Germans emigrated from Europe to America in the 19th century.
E.g.: Many Chinese people choose to become emigrants and go to other countries.
Migrate (v): 1- When an animal migrates, it travels to a different place, usually when the season changes. 2- If people migrate, they travel in large numbers to a new place to live temporarily. 3- to move from one place to another.(n/adj: Migrant)
E.g.: These birds migrate annually in search of food.
E.g.: Mexican farm workers migrate into the US each year to find work at harvest time.
E.g.: Trade has migrated from local shops to the larger chain stores.
E.g.: Millions of Chinese migrant workers move from the countryside to the city every year.
Writing exercise
A student told me his Debit card was taken by ATM machine. Because there were different withdraw rules between his native with China.When you are withdrawing money and taking money, after then you need to pull a key of take away to take your card in china.However card was being taken away at same time with money at many other countries.This conversation let me think back of before,I went back from Japan shortly,and I did same funny thing.I even took the wrong side on bus, and I realized my false at the next really fun to remembered pasting.
A student told me his debit card was taken by an/the ATM, because there were different withdrawing rules between his native country and China. In china, when you are withdrawing money, after you take your cash you need to press a button in order to take your card. However, in many other countries the card is taken out at same time as the money. This conversation made me remember the time shortly after I came back from Japan, and did same funny things. I even took the bus on the wrong side of the road, and only realized my mistake at the next stop. It is really fun to remember the past.
Authentic: /ɑːˈθen.t̬ɪk/
Dissolve: /dɪˈzɑːlv/
Escalator: /ˈes.kə.leɪ.t̬ɚ/
Emigrate: /ˈem.ə.ɡreɪt/
Emigrant: /ˈem.ə.ɡrənt/
Immigrate: /ˈɪm.ə.ɡreɪt/
Immigrant: /ˈɪm.ə.ɡrənt/
Migrate: /ˈmaɪ.ɡreɪt/
Migrant: /ˈmaɪ.ɡrənt/
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