VIP Class Notes (Phoebe)


Make 5 sentences using the words from vocabulary and grammar section.

Must include: mostly


line cable 

unstable 不稳定

His emotion is unstable./His state is unstable.

sad (adj) sadly (adv)

How sad this dog was!

Sadly, we heard about Yuan Longping’s death today./News about Yuan Longping made him sad.

tanned (adj.): has darker colour from sunshine  tan (n.)

If I had tanned skin, Lala would not be comfortable.

well-trained/well-behaved dog

sociable (adj): like to socialise (v), good at interacting with people

I am not a sociable person.

it is most speaking it is mostly speaking (mostly: adv)

I drank orange juice mostly in the coffee house.

pesticide (n.):a chemical to kill pests

Pesticides will harm the ecosystem.

chemical (n.)

diet: eating habit

appetite 胃口

I don’t have an appetite for steaks now.

original taste of food 本味

go bad/expire (v) expiry (n)

The fish expired since it was in the fridge for too long.

wither 枯萎

The flower withered in the garden.

beansprout 豆芽


use time spend time

Lala spent too long in the shopping mall.

doesn’t allow to take dogs doesn’t allow people to bring dogs inside/allow bringing dogs inside

she likes with  she likes being with other people

doesn’t afraid of  isn’t afraid of 

she has strong patience she has a lot of patience

shop’s owner shop owner

hold/carry the dog in my arms

I were it for a long time I have been wearing it for a long time.

go out of our energy run out of our energy








be care with pronunciation when connecting words