VIP Class Notes (Olivia)

Speaking exercise

describe a day in your life

9:00 wake up – close to work

10:00 get to work

12:00 – 2:00 lunch break

meeting/calls/ in the afternoon

8pm arrive home.

pose (v) for photos

vloger  – it is recording your actual life,

how often/frequently/long

strategy – aggressive campaigns on different platforms


brand ambassador/representative

Chinese economy is slowing down, e-commerce activities are not as easy as before, data shows that the growth rate of our business in the platform are also coming down. Not as high as before, smaller growth compared to before.

3 reasons for liking your job

1: busy – more fulfilled, useful, sense of achievement

2: challenging – target is sales, business targets are high

3. career development – promotion opportunities with higher pay.

3 reasons for disliking your job

1: too busy  – 6am – 2am livestream hours,

2: pushy boss – late night calls, early hours

3: colleagues – pushy as well, compete with each other, double-checking your assignment/projects.

Unilever – skincare and personal products  – foreign company


college  – university

colleague / peer / co-worker


white collars/ blue collars

time – consuming/ energy -consuming eg. working is energy – consuming, learning English is time-consuming.

record  v. reCORD – I use my camera to reCORD my life

record n. Record – Taylor Swift just came out with a new Record.

film v. n. I’m filming a vlog.

hard /tough adj.

approach v. This man approached me with a poster trying to sell me stuff.

approach n. This is the best approach/way/solution to address this issue.

authentic adj. /truthful/real

efficient adj.

higher income/pay

youth n.

implement v. implement a strategy/ advertisement into a video..

implementation. n.

horoscope – aries

remind v. my boss called me to remind me watching the livestream in the morning.

reminder n. my boss sent me a reminder to do something…

view v. – viewer – person.

low-key adj. low-profile /

distract v distraction n. Vloging is not a distraction of work for me.

Introvert n. introverted adj

I’m an introvert/ I’m introverted

extrovert n, extroverted adj.

I’m an extrovert/ I’m extroverted.

weight training – lift weights


dining – have dinners/dining out with friends.

facials / skincare/ laser treatment / manicure and pedicure / lash

recharge yourself by spending time alone

cooperate v. Cooperation n.

Speaking exercise

boss /o/



comparatives/ superlatives

big – bigger – biggest

small – smaller – smallest

more/ the most/  – when it is more than 2 syllables

expensive/ beautiful/ advantageous /

as much/many/ as