VIP Class Notes (Olivia)

Writing exercise

Dear Li,

Its a pleasure to be meeting you – greeting sentence / I hope everything is well/ I’m Rino…, hope all is well.

I have checked with the below time slots, but they have conflicts. Per our previous exchange/per the previous email, They (names) are available next Tuesday between 4-6, could you please let me know if you will be available at that time?/could you please confirm your availability?/ could you please le me know if this works for you?

Hi Li,

Could you please let me know if next Tuesday 4-6 works for you team, thanks

Since my last email, I have not received any responses from your side/ Since our last conversation, I haven’t received anything back yet.

To push for answer – Given the urgency of this matter, I would appreciate if you could confirm your availability as soon as possible. 


May I ask you for a favor,

This is Rino, hope ….

per Chris’s request,  I am coordinating with Li for a meeting. I have written to him a couple of times trying to confirm on a meeting time but have not heard back from him/have not received any responses yet.

I’m not sure if there is any technical issues connecting to him, but I was wondering if you could help with this subject/matter/connect with him/Could you please help to check with him.

something wrong with his mailbox that he couldn’t get the email.

Hi Rino,

sorry for our late reply. We are checking internally, can we confirm tmr 4:30-5:00 please?

If this is fine, I will send out a zoom planner.

Internal – within the company, within his team.

internally – speaking with my team members to do something.

externally – the opposite.

I was wondering – if I can take the next two days off to do ….. – with uncertainty –

I would appreciate if ……..                                                                 – with certainty 

– if you can help complete this deck for the meeting tomorrow

Booking a car:


Hi there,

I would like to book your service/ a car during the date of ….. June 12- 15th

There are some specific requests for this booking, I was wondering if you could share a contact information/email address so that we could discuss on the details of the trip.


hi Rino,

My name is Olivia from Carey Car services, how may I help you?


Hi Olivia,

I’m helping …. to book their car service during DATE for Chris ….. He is travelling alone/with 2 other people, so we might need an SUV to accommodate.


Chris doesn’t speak French, I would appreciate if you could help appoint an English-speaking driver for him.

We also would like a sign with his name on it when he comes out of the gate, also, could you please make sure that the car is at 24 degrees Celsius.

We also need 3 bottles of Perrier/sparkling/ still water every trip, and please have the driver tidy up the car beforehand.

Chris and the others will be staying at …… hotel. Chris will share the info for pickup with the driver himself.

Given the dates of travel and the requests above, would you give me a quote for this trip.

Given …………………………….., could you confirm if $2000 is the package price?



Olivia :

the quote for the entire trip is 2500, please let me know if this works for you and payment method.


This is fine 😛

Writing emails techniques:

1; greet, send greeting

2: introduce myself – Rino,

3: purpose – I’m trying (informal) to book a car/hotel/ I would like to ….. please.

4: confirmation / questions to ask?


provide – 提供 v  provide something for somebody

Exit – 出口 – fire exit , emergency exit

Arrival –  到达

Departure – 出发

sign – 标志,标语

vehicle/car type – sedan, SUV, limousine  – party car, very long, can accommodate 7-10 people

C – celsius – 摄氏度

F – Fahrenheit – 华氏度

30 degree celsius

97 degree Fahrenheit

package deal – 打包价

quote – 报价