VIP Class Notes (Olivia)


Mr Bean: Toothache

Mr Bean is watching TV one day and eating his favourite snack, popcorn. He bites down hard on a piece of popcorn and hurts his tooth. The toothache is terrible and Mr Bean can’t sleep. He tries, unsuccessfully, to pull out his tooth and ends up tieing his tooth to a chest of drawers that he pushes out of the window. Mr Bean flies out of the window too, but his tooth stays where it is. The next time he tries to pull out his tooth, he causes a road accident, so he goes back inside. There, the tooth falls out on its own.

Mr Bean decides to stick his tooth back into his mouth with glue, but glues it to his hand by mistake. He then cuts the green horn off a dinosaur toy to replace the tooth. It looks horrible, so he decides to go to the dentist. The dentist removes the tooth from his hand and sends Mr Bean home with a shiny new tooth. Mr Bean sticks the dinosaur’s horn back on, and uses his strong new tooth to pull the horn into the right position … and hurts his tooth all over again!


push out…..
pull in……
I’m in pain/hurting
my knees are in pain
my shoulders are in pain
my heart is hurting 😛
smth. is painful
the joke is painful