VIP Class Notes (Nicholas)[W/S]


Practice any IELTS writing example + submit to us!

Writing exercise


1. Are there many advertisements in your country
Of course it is. And i think the trend is it will have more advertisements in the future. When you open a video on a website its usually accompany with a advertisement at the begging.In order to save my time i even bought a member card to skip those ads.
2. Why do you think there are so many advertisements now?
In my point of view, it’s absolute relating with econmic and market. Whilst China’s bussiness market is prosperous and people’s income is increasing. Its no wondering why we can see variety advertisements everywhere now.

3. What are the various places where we see advertisements?
Nowadays the way of advertisements are diversity. We can see advertisements not only on tv program or magezines , radio which is reletively oldfashion ways. Adverstisment is deep into every single part of our daily life, in the morning when we waitting for elevator we can see it , in street coner and metro station even on a start page of App. Companies try every effort to deliver imformation to comsumer.

4. How do you feel about advertisements?
I think most of them are postive and some ads are interesting. Nevertheless some ads are annoying such as crank call, most people hate those radom call from a stranger it means our personal imformation has been revealed. On the other hand crank calls are mostly fake imformation even cheating.


1. Are there many advertisements in your country
Of course there are, and I think there will be more advertisements in the future. When you open a video on a website, it’s usually accompanied by an advertisement at the beginning. In order to save my time I even bought a membership card to skip those ads.
2. Why do you think there are so many advertisements now?
From my point of view / In my opinion, it relates to the economy and market / it’s absolutely related to the economy and market.. While China’s businesses are prospering and people’s incomes are increasing. It’s no wonder that we can see variety of advertisements everywhere now / It’s no wonder that there are so many ads now.

3. What are the various places where we see advertisements?
Nowadays the way of advertising is diverse / Nowadays there are diverse ways of advertising. We can see advertisements not only on tv programs or magazines , also on radio which is relatively oldfashioned. Advertisements are deeply involved in every single part of our daily life: in the morning when we are waiting / when we wait for the elevator we see them; on street corners and metro stations; even on the start page of apps. Companies make every effort to deliver information to the consumer / consumers.

4. How do you feel about advertisements?
I think most of them are postive and some ads are interesting. Nevertheless some ads are annoying such as crank calls. Most people hate those random calls from strangers it means our personal information has been revealed. On the other hand, crank calls are mostly fake information — even scams.

Don’t start a sentence with AND, BUT or BECAUSE.


accompanied + by/with
to accompany someone
to be accompanied by someone
she was accompanied with her mom

it’s = it is
its = possession / her / his / its
this is my dog. this is its bowl.
what is that? it’s my dog.

I am adjectives.
I have 
I am a member.
I have a membership.

it relates to
it’s related to

economy – noun
economic – adj
it’s an economic reason
we have a strong economy
the economy
is booming
economies all over the world are booming

If you are talking about something in general / usually or if it’s true for most people:
Use the plural form of the verb.
e.g. People’s income is increasing.
e.g. People’s incomes are increasing.
singular = single = 1
plural = more than 1
e.g. The man is taller than the woman.
e.g. Men are taller than women.

diverse – adj
diversity – noun

old fashioned way – old fashioned
traditional way – traditioned
e.g. It’s a traditioned golf tournament.


scam – 骗局
e.g. I thought I was marrying a beautiful woman from Russia…but it was a scam — she was actually a 60 year old man from Africa.
e.g. There are lots of internet scams.
e.g. Be careful of scammers – because they scam people on the internet.
e.g. Scammers are always scamming.
e.g. My friend thought a woman wanted to be his girlfriend. He met her on Instagram, but it was a scam.

I don’t mind – I don’t care

perception – how people look at you
e.g. What are most people’s perception of you?
e.g. I want to be perceived as a good teacher.
e.g. I want to leave you with a positive perception of me.
e.g I want you to have a good perception of me.
e.g. I want to give you a positive impression of me.
e.g. I give people impressions. They have perceptions.

while – connect a good thing with a bad thing
while – “but” in the beginning of the sentence
e.g. While teaching in China is easy, you still need to try your best.
e.g. While milk tea is very popular in China, it is difficult to have a very successful milk tea shop.
e.g. While the economy was booming, he still lost his job.
e.g. The economy was booming but he still lost his job.




Speaking exercise


Those ads are interesting and are creative – I like advertisements which are interesting full of creatives. If the advertisement are interesting enough to attract me to keep going to watch it I think it’s fine, but some advertisements are too boring – it makes people hate it. Some in commercial ads ar eitnereting such as people protecting environment  – most advertisement for a product are boring – they just let you to buy it.


Those ads that are interesting and that are creative – I like advertisements that are interesting and full of creativity. If the advertisement is interesting enough to attract me to keep watching / to continue watching it then I think it’s fine, but some advertisements are too boring – it makes people hate them. Some ads aren’t meant to sell a product/products and they are interesting such as people protecting the environment  – most advertisements for a product are boring – they just want you to buy their products.

If + Then
If this happen Then this happens 


I think the major reason they make advertisements is they want to give us a strong impression of their products and while it is too much similar product in the market then they want to be an outstanding one so they make advertisements to let people to remember them.


I think the major reason they make advertisements is that they want to give us a strong impression of their products.  There are too many similar products in the market. Businesses want to be unique and outstanding so they make advertisements to let people to remember them.